Emergency Help Needed !!!!!!!


Active Member
OK MY 24 GAL AQUAPOD Leaked out overnight and i got home and half the water was gone. I SAVED ABOUT 6 GALLONS AND PUT ABOUT 2 OR 3 GALLONS IN THE QT TANK I SET UP MAYBE 3 WEEKS AGO. The problem is it is only 10 gallons ! not no where near enough to save my liverock or all my sand. WHAT CAN I DO ? I HAVE THE FISH IN 1 GALLON AND 5 GALLON BUCKET. WILL THEY BE OK TO PUT IN THE QT TANK ? I ADDED SOME SAND IN THE BOTTOM AND PUT MY LIVEROCKS IN THERE WELL 3 OF THEM BUT THE WATER IS TERRIBLY SANDY LOOKING. WHAT can i do ? PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME ASAP ! I am TOTALLY STRESSED AND upset and worried about my livestock ! THANK YOU SO MUCH !


Active Member
do you have a plastic tubs. When we moved, all my stuff lived in them for a week.


Active Member
IMO worry about LR and LS last. I would set up the QT tank as best as you can as quickly as you can just for your livestock and any corals. Crowd them together if you need to but they will be better in there than in a bucket. Then I would again as quickly figure out what happened with your DT and fix it. Even if you have to go to the LFS and get yourself one of those $40 30 gallon plain tanks, ask if your LFS sells pre-mixed water so you can fill the temp tank, and then don't put in sand or LR yet but put in livestock & coral. Then just try to make them as happy as you can until you can fix the DT.


Wow. Man, I feel your pain. I don't know what to do in that situation except get some powerheads and store everything in 5 gal buckets. Whatch your water quality and act quickly! Get a new tank quick and get it all situated. That's just tough and hopefully everything works out well. Sorry I couldn't help much
As for the Live rock, you can also use rubbermaid containers.


Active Member
Yeah see i think i messed up by putting the ls and lr in the qt tank :( And now it is cloudy has i dont know what. Its a 10 gallon and i have a 10-20 gallon filter on it and i bought a powerhead thinking maybe it will help the water out but it isnt so i am super worried ! i guess i will take this powerhead back and just buy a 20 gallon tank :( thanks for the advice.... CaN I PUT THEM IN THE CLOUDY WATER OR NO ? I HAVE 2 CLOWNS,ORCHID DOTTYBACK,AND TWIN SPOT GOBY ! AHHHH WHAT CAN I DO ???? Buy a 20 gallon and 20 gallons of pre mixed saltwater ? and throw the filter on my 10 gallon onto that and put the powerhead in it ? ahh what do i do ? how long will my fish live in these buckets ?


if you are friends with your LFS owner just ask if they can keep your fish at the store for you(tell them you will pay for all the supplies needed). just explain our situation, im sure they will be glad to help. and for your live rock just put them in rubbermaid containers.


Your fish will be fine for as long as you need them to be there AS LONG AS YOU CHECK the water chemistry! ...and airstone of course. And yes, you can put the fish and corals in clowdy water.


Active Member
ok i put my dottyback and twin spot in the temp tank. the two clowns are still in the 5 gallon bucket with about 10 lbs of LR ! Will the be ok you think ? My aquapod the bottom glass is like split in half ! ONLY had it like 2 months and split in half. THAT IS so crazy. Well anything. My temp tank is getting extremely too hot. 80 degrees right now and i turned off the light. WIll my livestock and corals be fine without light until i get my aquapod straightened out ? THANKS SO MUCH EVERYONE FOR ALL YOUR HELP ! i am just so freakin stressed right now its awful ! I tried my best with this hobby and all of a sudden this happens ! i hope everything survives !


what caused your tank to leak? I have an aquapod and now i am a little worried! Good luck with getting things fixed!


Active Member
Thanks FOR EVERYONES help. I believe my fish are stable and ok for now.I should take a photo of the damage. I have no idea what caused it having not added any new liverock in a month or so. There was a crack in the glass from 1 rear corner to the other rear corner. Like in an arch design. I have no clue what would have caused it as my tank has been stable and just maintaining for 2 months now. So i am really really bummed out about it. Luckily all my livestock is in a 10gallon QT tank i set up a few weeks ago. So hopefully they will all be ok until tomorrow when i can go to the LFS where i bought the aquapod and ask them for an exchange or something. They better not give me no hassle is all i can say or i will throw the stupid tank at em. I am so freakin mad about all this. But hopefully everything will be ok. I guess these things happen and we learn from them.


LOL. I would strongly suggest not to throw the tank at them. LOL Here in FL they would arrest you! Hopefully they will exchange it. If they don't, contact the manufactor who build the system. They might back it up since it's only two months old.
Well, good luck and I hope everything goes well. Take care and plese keep us updated.


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Ok so i just went and got my new tank. Hopefully i will set it up later. I will need to go and buy some fresh livesand i guess since mine is smelling like dead fish. I have had it sitting in a bucket overnight , Would the Livesand still be ok ? What should i do ? Buy new livesand or use what i had in tank yesterday ? Thanks if you can let me know. Also some of my liverocks i have sitting in a bucket also. Would they be ok as well ? They have a strong odor to them also. If anyone can let me know thanks. Because i would greatly enjoy not having to spend extra money ! I hope i can use the sand . I had put a little water in with the sand yesterday so it wasnt completly dry. But that might have made it non useable , i dont know. I need you experts advise. Thanks everyone for your help !


Active Member
Also what do i need to do about Cycling ? Will i have to recycle this tank or what ? AHHHH I really hope not. I am soooo at a loss right now as to what to do. Do i just add about 5 gallons of water out of the 10 gallon tank i have setup right now and i have 14 gallons of premixed saltwater i have bought yesterday. I really hope i dont have to go through a cycle again ! Please let me know. Thanks. And sorry if i have lots of questions. I have only been doing this for a couple months. Reading and studying and checkings this forum though helps me out alot and i dont know how to tell you all thank you except to say THANK YOU ! hahaha. Well i appreciate all the quick responses and answers you all give me.


Active Member
Can i still use my livesand that i had in my nano two days ago ? I had it in a bucket since yesterday i think. Yes since yesterday i have had about 20 lbs of livesand sitting in a bucket and about 10 lbs of liverock sitting in another bucket. Would it be ok to use those still ? THANKS