Emergency help needed!!!


I made a mistake and added too much stress coat to my 65 fowlr my hand slipped and instead of putting in 11 teaspoons i put in approx. 50 teaspoons..the water got cloudy immidiately and every fish in this tank is breathing very heavily the gills look like they are going to expload. I'm so worried. I have in this tank.
1-porc. puffer
2-niger trigger
3-picasso trigger
4-green mandarin
I just checked my levels to make sure they are ok.
Alk-10 dkh
are the fish in danger ?what can I do to slow the breathing down ? I did a water change 2 days ago. and all the levels were fine b4 then and after the change. all these levels were tested 5 min ago. the water is cloudy and the fish are breathing heavily I can see the gills moving fast. what can I do ?
was my mistake fatal ?
Should I try feeding them and see if they eat ? I turned the lights off.


Active Member
I don't put chems in my tank either, but if that happened to me I would do a water change and start running fresh carbon. Hopefully someone who can help more will see this quickly.


New Member
In Freshwater I would do the same thing. Immediately put fresh carbon in and start doing a water change to bring the levels down.
Good-luck. Bumping you back to the top...


the fish are on their last leg lying on the SB breathing heavily i'm wondering to take them out and use water from my 125 and leave them in the tub untill i get things fixed.


i have one bag of carbon that wont fit in the canister filter or hob filter should i rinse it and drop it directly in the tank ? can stress coat kill fish if i od ?


Originally Posted by Espkh9
simple question can i put a bag of chemi-pure in a dt after rinsing ?
Yes you can, but the water would have to flow through it. Do you have a skimmer? That will remove stress coat rather quickly and will have to be watched because it will also over flow quickly. Have you done a water change? Stress coat will definitely clog their gills if used in excess.


I got some carbon from the store and put it in the canister filter...things are clearing up..and i moved the fish into a makeshift tub with a heater skimmer and power head and rock they are doing ok. The water si clearing up slowly. I do have a skimmer but do not know how to set it up...it's one of those things where I lost the instructions and forgot how to do it. It's a coralife super skimmer for a 65. I did about a 40-45% water change..retested the levels all are ok. I'm waiting for the temp. from the tub to mtach the temp in the dt to put the fish back in. The sal. in both are the same as the ammonia and ph are also equal.


my niger trigger was breathing rapidly and had problems with gills i put him in the tub he is now swimming and breathing regularly..I used about 8 gallons of dt water with 10 gallons of new mixed water.


I usually add cycle and stress coat after water changes and weekly maintainence. At this point I'm affraid to put anything into my tank.


The stress coat will not show up on any of your tests. Why were you using that anyway?
I just read your other post. There is no reason to add either to the display. If you are using it to detoxify metals, then just add some of the cycle to the water that is mixing for water changes. If you over dose then you can just make more water.


it says on the bottle it repairs scales and fins etc... thats why i used stress coat and cycle i've been using since day 1 for water changes i dont know why.


I figured out how do sort of use the skimmer it is a coralife super skimmer for 65 gallons i hung it on the side and it is missing the sponge the pump is in the water and i plugged it in like you said it was going very fast even on the lowest setting. i shut it off verytime the cup got filled with foam and water it was 90 % water..I hope this is doing good for the tank and not removing essential elements. I skimmed 3 cups should i stop the skimming ? or do more. I put 1 fish the niger trigger back in and he is swimming fine no signs of gills moving fast or heavy breathing. He is swimming back and forth and looks to be just fine. should I put the other fish back in now and assume with the water changes and skimming the stress coat is at an ok level ? or keep skimming even though I'm getting mostly water...keep in mind i do not have the sponge on the power head in the dt that would normally be attached to it...and i'm worried that too much skimming can remove important vital elements. please let me know what you guys think. Keep skimming or without the sponge im doing nothing. Should i put the other fish from the tub back in the dt ?
thank you!


Originally Posted by Espkh9
I figured out how do sort of use the skimmer it is a coralife super skimmer for 65 gallons i hung it on the side and it is missing the sponge the pump is in the water and i plugged it in like you said it was going very fast even on the lowest setting. i shut it off verytime the cup got filled with foam and water it was 90 % water..I hope this is doing good for the tank and not removing essential elements. I skimmed 3 cups should i stop the skimming ? or do more. I put 1 fish the niger trigger back in and he is swimming fine no signs of gills moving fast or heavy breathing. He is swimming back and forth and looks to be just fine. should I put the other fish back in now and assume with the water changes and skimming the stress coat is at an ok level ? or keep skimming even though I'm getting mostly water...keep in mind i do not have the sponge on the power head in the dt that would normally be attached to it...and i'm worried that too much skimming can remove important vital elements. please let me know what you guys think. Keep skimming or without the sponge im doing nothing. Should i put the other fish from the tub back in the dt ?
thank you!
The sponge keeps larger debris from entering the skimmer and keeps your fish from getting sucked to it. It will not skim out your elements. If it is still rapidly foaming then the stress coat is not out yet. Keep it running for awhile. You may want to wait until later this evening to add your fish back in.


Ok thanks. It really wasnt foaming it was mostly water like it didnt even smell just water first bubbles then water. I did 5 cups. so far after almost 90 min the niger looks great.
I will test the dt's levels and then see if I should add the remaining fish.


all fish are back in eating look OK. i think if i didnt do a large water change and remove the fish they wouldve for sure died. they were basically lying on the sb sideways breathing 100 mph. thank goodness they are ok. im very happy. btw if anyone was wondering why i put too much stress coat to begin with. it's a 64 oz bottle and i tipped it in the tank while using a dripper.