A recent addition of fish to my 145 gallon FOWLR started a cycle. It has been 2 weeks and Ammonia and Nitrates are off the chart. I had turned off my protein skimmer because I was treating fish with melafix because of fin rot for about a week. I am hypoing at 1.009 for ick. I just turned protein skimmer back on and I can't get air to mix with water to filter out proteins. It more resembles freshwater, in so much as the air is not mixing with water, yet I can see white film on water. Don't want to loose my porcupine puffer and clown trigger... FYI I have been performing multiple water changes. to get levels back to normal. I ahve also treated with ammonia detoxifers to save fish. Right now my entire tank is white water. I am stumped, should I bring it out of Hyposalinity? Will this help with skimming the protein? PLEASE HELP!