Emergency Help!!!


I was under the impression Liverock will suffer severe die-off and will do nothing but increase my levels from its die-off?


Active Member
yea, if you put live rock in there the low salt will kill everything but the bacteria.
i saw somewhere someone put one of those big deli plastic containers in their tank. they cut holes in it and turned it upside down. then they put bioballs into the container to be a home for bacteria, and put the intake to their circ pump into the container so the water flowed through it.
i have a penguin HOB filter (with one of those biowheels) with a prefilter over the intake so all the water goes through it. the prefilter is my bacteria host.

al mc

Active Member
Dstone....Hypo will cause some die off. What you have now is enough bacteria to take care of the ammonia and nitrites, therefor giving you more trates, but hopefully if it is aged rock you will more than make up for it by having anerobic bacteria in the rock to reduce the trates to NO2 gas.


Im running two HOB filter with two filter pads and a biowheel in each one. I figured this would be enough.. I think Ill throw some bioballs into the HOB's. Thanks for the help guys. I would add LR or LS but I dont want to prolong this anymore.


So I did some rummaging and pulled out an emporer 400 filter to add to the other HOB filter already going. Heres what it looks like now. What do you think?



Active Member
Originally Posted by dstoneburg
So I did some rummaging and pulled out an emporer 400 filter to add to the other HOB filter already going. Heres what it looks like now. What do you think?

should help with your ammonia/nitrites, but remember the biowheels are produce nitrates like bunnies produce babies. but, nitrates arent half as bad as ammonia or trites.

al mc

Active Member
dstone..Nice set up
. I would make a small suggestion. The fish can become dissoriented when the have transparency all around them. They may feel more secure (therefor less stressed) if you either paint of use dark colored paper on the outside of the glass on the back/bottom and even sides
of the tank.


Yeah, my smaller QT is painted, I shall find something to fix that problem. It was a emergency setup :(. If I rinse the bioballs/filter pads/biowheels in water change water will they help remove the 'nitrate factory' part of them?


Staff member
You can just use backgrounnd paper on 3 sides, or you could just paint it blue or black.


Originally Posted by dstoneburg
Whats the opinion on cleaning the filter media in water change water to reduce the 'nitrate factory' effect?
This should not be an issue in a qt tank. They will not be there long. How are they doing so far?


As of 24 hours ago I have three HOB filters adding up for filtration reccomended up to 200g. The trates and trites are still the same. The fish seem as good as always, eating like champs and not acting stressed at all. Im doing 50% water changes daily to try and get it back into order. Im hoping im going to see the filters and bioballs take effect soon. They have about two more weeks left in the tank so Im not too worried about it, consider none of the fish have showed signs of being stressed or in a bad enviorment.
And seriously, thank you guys for all the information and help. I do appreciate it and I think by changing the setup you see that I am taking the advice.


Welp... Just did another 50% water change... I swear somethings up. Like I said, my levels WILL NOT budge. Not even a little. 50% water changes daily, coupled with the filtration rated for a 200g tank and the fact that I feed sparingly.. Nitrites seem to be 2 (high I know). Nitrates are still at 80. Yet ph is 8.0 and ammonia 0. And NONE of the fish show ANY signs of stess what-so-ever. Ive tested and re-tested and keep getting the same results.. Then I test my DT and everything is correct, so im sure the test kits are operative.
So guru's tell me whats up..


Active Member
do you have a sponge filter that you've used in your DT, either on a return pump or a prefilter for an overflow?
if so, i'd take that sponge out and put it over one of the intakes of your filters. may give the bacteria the boost it needs to get rid of your nitrites. trates, if you're really worried about them, i'd grab a clump of chaeto, grab a rubbermaid container (clear with a lid) cut some big holes in it, and hang it over the side of your tank, sorta like an intank fuge. make sure it has light and some flow.


Alright so I added some cheato in there. I holes into a tupperware container and then used a veggie clip to stick it to the side of the tank in front of the HOB to get flow through it, this also puts it right under the lights to promote growth!


I have had a quarantine spike with a mini cycle on 2 occasions. I did large water changes and the numbers hardly budged as well. I read on another site by 2 people that doing minimal water changes or none at all will bring your parameters in check much quicker.
I tested that theory and found it to be true. If your ammonia does not increase I would cut back on water changes(I do believe in Amquel to detoxify) and also amounts of feeding and see what happens, just my 2 cents.


Originally Posted by renogaw
do you have a sponge filter that you've used in your DT, either on a return pump or a prefilter for an overflow?
if so, i'd take that sponge out and put it over one of the intakes of your filters. may give the bacteria the boost it needs to get rid of your nitrites. trates, if you're really worried about them, i'd grab a clump of chaeto, grab a rubbermaid container (clear with a lid) cut some big holes in it, and hang it over the side of your tank, sorta like an intank fuge. make sure it has light and some flow.
This tank is at 1.009. The addition of a DT filter would set the clock back and I don't think Chaeto can live in that low of an SG. I may be wrong though.