Emergency livestock transfer, some with no acclimation


I've been setting up my 200 gallon tank and moving rock from my old tank into it, along with 100 lbs of new rock, and also moved over some of my existing sand bed, along with new, etc.,etc. to make a long story short, my old tank started crashing. I'm assuming from removing so much of the rock. My new tank has been up and running for 3 weeks and water tests have all been excellent. Didn't ever have a "true" spike in readings, but I think that's because I used so much established rock/sand/water etc.
So yesterday I had to move all the livestock into the new tank because the ammonia and nitrates were going off the wall in the old tank. I had moved 2 fish into the new tank previously and a few "hardy" softies, but yesterday had to bite the bullet and put everyone else in, or take the chance of losing all.
So I acclimated all the fish in bags, all went well, except for my male Anthias who jumped out of the tank while I was trying to net him, he landed behind the tank where it's a squeeze to get to. He was flopping around for a little while before I could squeeze back there with the net and literally scrape him up. My husband said he looked "brain dead" in the bag while he was acclimating. I really didn't think he'd make it, but today he's good and acting normal.
But after awhile I was just tossing in the last of the rocks, some which had some mushrooms on them. figured losing a few mushrooms wouldn't break my heart. But surprisingly they're all doing excellent also.
The one thing I thought would truly be a goner was I threw one of the last pieces of base rock from the old tank into the new tank. I tossed it in the back side because it didn't have any color or remarkable looking features. As soon as I placed it I saw one of the tenticles of the harlequin starfish popping out!! Oh crap, I figured that he was history, but again, today, it seems to be doing fine so far. Was moving about under the rocks this afternoon.
I'll post pics tomorrow when I get some batteries for the camera to show the final set up. If I don't mind saying so....it looks amazing!!
Now I just pray that the water levels stay good in the new tank. Will be testing daily until I feel alls well.


Active Member
Good luck with everything. Sounds like you made the right choice. Just go easy on feeding and don't put anything new in for awile. Corals are amazingly resilient.