EMERGENCY please help


i just broke a heater in my sump for my tank...will this harm the livestock???? I removed the heater and glass immediately but it had a horrible smell to it. The heater was a 250w all glass aquarium submersible heater, has this happened to anybody before or any tips on what to do next would be greatly appreciated...


Well-Known Member
Fortunately there isn't anything poisonous used in the construction of heaters. The heating element itself is a metal conductor. You're probably fine but if you have some carbon that you can run in the system as a precaution to remove any chance of trace amounts of metal then I would be inclined to do so just for peace of mind.


Active Member
This has happened to me before. Yes, it is harmful.
Here is what you should do IMO:
1) Emergency water change (around 30%) tonight
2) Tomorrow, do another 20% water change.
3) Get and run activated carbon ASAP. Make sure to wash it properly.
4) 10% water changes everyday for the next week
5) Monitor everything very closely.
6) Replace the glass heater with a titanium one. Titanium heaters are much stronger and durable and don't have the risk of shattering.
HTH. Good night.


It has happened to people here but I am not to sure on how they all handeld it, since it broke in your sump I dont think the electric current it let off once it broke made it to the main display tank... I think you should be fine as long as you picked up all the glass and took everything out of that sump. Just get to your LFS in the next couple days and get yourself a heater so it does not drop to low!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by travelerjp98 http:///t/389166/emergency-please-help#post_3437295
This has happened to me before. Yes, it is harmful.
Here is what you should do IMO:
1) Emergency water change (around 30%) tonight
2) Tomorrow, do another 20% water change.
3) Get and run activated carbon ASAP. Make sure to wash it properly.
4) 10% water changes everyday for the next week
5) Monitor everything very closely.
6) Replace the glass heater with a titanium one. Titanium heaters are much stronger and durable and don't have the risk of shattering.
HTH. Good night.
Other than passing electrical current through the tank and shards of glass, what is harmful about it Traveler?


thank you everyone got all the glass out...put my back up heater in...started water for a water change just in case...and researching titanium heaters. any suggestions on a good heater would be awesome...hopefully all is well...by the way HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!


2Quills gave you excellent advice on what to do. But I do recommend a water change just to be safe and run some extra carbon for the next week or two.
As far as heaters, I really like the Jager models.