Emergency! PLEASE READ!

Ok so I dropped my bag of carbon into the sump without washing off the dust.. my sump is black with carbon.. and some already got into my main tank.. I have a back-up filter running on the back a penguin one.. its kinda weak.. all I have in my tank right now is live rock.. did I just mess up my tank? And what should I do about it?


just test all your water levels too make sure nothing went wrong. Mabey a 10-15% water change.

the claw

Active Member
Don't panic. It will clear up and things should be O.K. Just out of curiousity, what type of carbon are you using.
Ok yeah.. I said screw it and just ran the filter down below.. the water looks clear now.. (it was last night) I am using "activated Filter Carbon" Its in a blue milk cartoon (quart sized) sold by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.