Emergency Qt Tank


Well the ich outbreak in my tank came back and was worse this time, the cream angel is just in the rocks and barely wants to move.... doesnt look good for him. The percs are still swimming around althought they are covered.. the tiny ich spots are everywhere is even looks like they have a cloudy film over them.... not brokknella (SP?) Anyway I Have a 10 gal tank that will need to work as a Hospital tank... My question is, I use the display tank water, but what about LR should I put a piece or two in there to make then more comftorable??


The problem with putting LR in...it will die if you hypo or use meds. PVC pipes are a great addition for your qt. They won't absord any of the meds, so you don't need to worry about it leaching back into your water.


Actually I just realized I have a Dark rubermain 21 gal container, or a 17 gallon rubbermaid see-thru container.. would one of these be better? They are sturdy and can hold the water... the 21 gal is not see-thru however


Thanks, do you have a suggestion on which tub I should use? Also, since the cream angel seems in such bad condition, should I medicate first.. considering the hypo would take several days?


I'm in hypo right now. I put most of my rock in a clear container with a heater and a power head. Make sure to feed your rock periodically...it'll keep the pods alive. I did leave a few pieces of base rock in the tank for cover...I didn't have a qt at the time. Ended up having a lot of worms and such die off in the rock as the salinity dropped...caused a nice spike. Watch out for that. Also...be sure to buffer the fresh water as your adding it...fresh water has a lower ph than salt water...could cause additional issues.
A fresh water dip may be what the angel needs...that can be a quick fix if someone is really suffering...but, it can also add to the stress level. Tough call. The faq at the beginning of disease & treatment thread references a dip strategy.
Good luck! I lost a tang and a butterfly when the ich set in...haven't lost anyone since...knock on wood.


well 5 days ago i did a freshwater dip.. thanks for your suggestions... anyone else? I really need to do this soon!!!


How big is your tank? It took me quite a while (almost a week) to get my salinity down. Oh yeah, make sure to use a refractometer to check your salinity...a plastic hydrometer just won't cut it...VERY inaccurate!


I dont think im going to do hypo... I dont know if you read the thread, but I am going to put then into a seperate container because of the LR and LS, I have a 90, will be putting htem in either the dark 17 gal or clear 21 gal, They cream angel seems like he doesnt want to eat or anything, so i think I should medicate now instead of hypo


The faq recommends using copper (meds) and hypo togther...just something to consider. They both attach the ich during different stages of it's life cycle...the faq goes very in depth. Good luck.