emergency sharks help


Help I posted this in the new hobbyisyt too! I bought a pusing xenia today and my peppermint shrimp are attacking it why?
Help quick before it kills it.


I have heard that pepperments will eat xenia so thats probably what they are doing sadly to say no matter where you put it in the tank they will find it.
sorry I couldnt give you better news though>


honest;y I dont have a clue but a lot of people just use them as apista control and then trade off to someone else that needs them


Active Member
I havnt had any problems with my peppermint shrimp. It hasn't touched any polyps, or even the xenia. So I guess it might be a hit and miss. Try and feed it that way it will be less likely to attack your corals. Mine will eat flake or the frozen brine.


Active Member
Do you have anything else, coral wise, in your tank? Other types of polyps?
FWIW, many animals will attack a new introduction in the tank. They can be drawn to it, because the new animals are stressed, and things like shrimp, brittlestars, etc can 'smell' this. Stressed animals are easier to take advantage of...if you have other polyps and things in the tank that the shrimp do not bother, then this may explain the sudden attraction to the new introduction.
IMO, anything that eats some types of anemones is not reef safe. It means they might eat any type of anemones. So it is a trade off. People who have so much aiptasia that they are desperate may be willing to lose what else they have just to get rid of it.


Active Member
I would feed mine dropping shrimp pellets and they left my xenia and other items alone. I still have 2 in my 20 and they are model citizens. Used to have 7 and they were all over everything - but I made sure they ate fairly well compared to my other scavengers!


I have the xenia QT inside the main tank right now it is doing ok should I try to reintroduce it and see if the shrimp bothers it then? If it does should I get rid of the shrimp or just wait it out?


Active Member
So is the Xenia isolated? I would definitely isolate one or the other. If the Xenia is isolated, is it still getting flow, eg, in a critter carrier? And if so, is the shrimp still hanging out near the container?
You certainly could keep the Xenia isolated until it is all open and happy looking, and seemingly adjusted, and see if the shrimp still goes for it after you remove it.
Personally, if you don't want to try experimenting, I would take the shrimp back to the LFS. I mean, it is a risk. Feeding it more might help, but if you got a taste for anemone...then any old cnidarian might well do. Do you have any other polyps or soft corals?
Of course, one day, if that Xenia takes off, you may want that shrimp back to eat it :D


I have one small button and he has never bothered that, also if one of my shrimp is bothering it will all do it or is it just that ones tendency? Also yes he is in one of those floating hospitals (I sank it to the bottom though) with slotted sides and he is getting some flow. this morning he looked almost all the way open. The shrimp were not hanging around the critter carrier How long should I wait to reintroduce him?