

Active Member
Not sure about that. How is the new lion doing??? Does he seem stressed by all the activity? Hopefully all is well and as soon as your system is free from stress coat, you can sit back and relax and watch your lion.


Take it easy!! I have 2 lions in my 150 and do not even own a protein skimmer!!! They've been in the tank for over 2 years and are big fat happy fish. Yep, you read right! Shut it down for the night and try not to freak out. If you acclimated your lion correctly, everything will be fine. I think you're more upset than the fish. Now, cleaning the wet, spooty fish water off the carpet is a different story!!


Active Member
the lion seems relax, hes chillin on a rock, sometimes he will go and chill on the sand. Though he looks very skinny, i'm going to try to feed him today.....hope he takes the food.
Also, my lion is the smallest fish i have in the tank :scared: Hes just a lil baby :joy:


Active Member
He may be eating live foods and you may have to wean him onto frozen by wiggling the food with a stick of some sort. (not a stick off a tree, you know what i mean) Volitans, actually lions period are KNOWN for not eating frozen foods right away. You almost always have to wean them yourself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
He may be eating live foods and you may have to wean him onto frozen by wiggling the food with a stick of some sort. (not a stick off a tree, you know what i mean) Volitans, actually lions period are KNOWN for not eating frozen foods right away. You almost always have to wean them yourself.
yes yes i know i had one before, but the one i had was eating live foods at the lfs and then the day after the day i got him i fed him a piece of frozen silver side and he ate it! :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Space_Geek
He may be eating live foods and you may have to wean him onto frozen by wiggling the food with a stick of some sort. (not a stick off a tree, you know what i mean) Volitans, actually lions period are KNOWN for not eating frozen foods right away. You almost always have to wean them yourself.
One more thing! Where i live, no pet store sells feeder fish/shrimp


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
well its sunday morning and its still doing the same thing

Find a small bucket or plastic trash can that will fit behind your tank and under the skimmer. It will catch the water insead of your carpet catching it.


Same thing happened to mine a few years a go... I misguidedly added a little stress coat on purpose to "enhance skimmer performance" yeah, right...
All you can really do, is keep replacing the water, add some carbon, and let the stress coat cycle out...


What you do is stop adding the water conditioner with stress coat.Get Amquel plus which doesnt have stress coat.Leave the skimmer on without opening the valve for about 2-3 weeks.It takes this long for the stress coat to break down.Wait one week and then open the valve and check it,if it still collects water then close the valve aqain.wait one more week and open the vlave again,by this time it should start drwaing in less water,but if it does close the valve and by the 3rd week it should be broken down already.I really dont like to much chemicals in my tank.Just let the tank do its own work thats the key to success in this hobby"Natural work" So staop using the stress coat.