

My bluelip angel was acting kinda funny the other day...sides were fading and such...then i noticed the sg was at 1.024 so i did a partial change and got it down to 1.022 and his color came back yesterday....i look now and he is lying on the bottom still moving and staying afloat and such...but flopping slowly from side to side...i tap him gently with the end of my algae scrubber handle and he swims away normally....his belly is bloated today...not really big but twice the normal size...my wife thinks its pregnate...any thoughts or suggestions?
sg = 1.022
nitrite = 0
nitrate = 0
ammonia = .25
ph is low 7.4 im getting 'ph 8.2" or whatever its called now...but wont add till i hear from somewone.
ph was fine yesterday...
thx in advance...


Active Member
Sounds to me like the problem is related to the ammonia and low ph in your water. A sg of 1.024 should not harm an angel.


Staff member
That ammonia can kill marine animals. Also, 1.024 is a good level. Speedily dropping salinity can cause extreme stress in fish.


ok as it stands right now i'm going to assume i shouldnt do anything more with the sg...so on the good side this is the only fish thats been doing this...how would i get the ammonia down ? i wont have my skimmer till next week.......
also his underside is distending...at his poop hole....could that be a sign of something?


yeah that was my next step....how much would be recommended and will it stress the fish since i did a top off yesterday?


the question is for anyone. I read in another forum of fish that were doing this kind of behavior and their stomache was bloated. Turned out that the fish had air and sand in them. I wonder if this could have happened to your fish. Opinions anyone?


ahhh yeah i see the possibility..all my other animals are perfect...no distress whatsoever....was kinda discouraging for me though...i really liked this one:(


Active Member
The reason I ask is that this sounds similar to some other people from the forum a while ago. Make sure you check out the fish for about a week before you buy. Go in twice to see if the fish still eats. You might have just had a stressed fish. If your LFS will not let you put a hold on a fish, something is wrong. Most stores are responsible but a few are well lets just say they are in it for the money. There are fish that are caught using arsenic. The arsenic is sprayed into the ocean in small amounts and the fish are paralyzed floating to the surface. They recover but have serious internal damage which takes a few weeks to kill them. Then again, it could have just been a stressed fish. As for the sand in the stomach thing, I have seen all types of fish filter the sand bottom of tanks. Most fish will filter out the micros/macros and spit out the sand or sift it through their gills. Can this get into the stomach and cause irritation? Not sure, but not likely.
Themadd1 :scared: :scared: