emergency !!!

my harlequin tusk was swimimming really slowly then suddenly he darted and i mean darted everywhere and then stopped then did it again and he mixed up all the sand. then he went into a rock with his tail hanging out and my niger came along and bit his tail. not a big bite but about 2 cm.
i just turned off the lights to calm everyone....is somthing wrong with him he came from saltwaterfish.com yesterday. and at night he changes colors almost white and u can barley see his colors, my clown does the same at night when it is dark , is it ok?
[ April 28, 2001: Message edited by: dlight692000 ]


LionFish says.....
Whoa what the heck is going on with that Tusk of yours? Mine never had any problems like this. Do keep the lights off for sure. Man, I can't think of any reason that it would just dart like that except the fact that something had to startle it. Did you come up to the tank to watch it and make a sudden movement. I consider myself an expert on these beautiful fish but it seems like yours is doing something strange. Do you see any sign of disease on him? Have you seen the trigger bite him before? It is normal for his colors to go white at night. They always do this. Hmmmmmm...... well all you can do is wait it out and see how he acts tomorrow. Sorry I can't help more but I am stumped. Only thing that could've made him dart is being spooked. Or else he has a disease. Keep me posted as I can add this to my vast notes on this fish. Seems strange to me that it is acting this way.
my girlfriend and I were just watching it.. i dont think we moved but ...hmm i have no idea...he looks extremely healthy. like a body builder fish lol. i am so worried i dont know what to do. ill probably end up staying up all night haha


Active Member
watch him real real close. he might be getting used to the tank but it might be a parasite. if your niger is biting him, take the niger out for about a week then readd him. harlequins are extremely beautiful and i dont want you to lose yours. if he keeps on acting weird id say it is a disease. look for ick, etc. keep us posted. later, bo


Bummer-sounds like it could be a bit of stress as well. You just got him yesterday? Is he breathing hard? That is another sign that he could be stressed a bit from his move to your tank.
The others sound on the ball as well with the ick. He could be sensing that a disease is growing on him and he's trying to "get it off his body" by all the mad darting.
Good luck...keep us posted!
last night i moved all the rock together and he is swimimming a lot more. but still isnt eatting, the niger isnt giving him problems, the tusk is chasing him a little now and he breathing perfect just like the other fish. my puffer guards the tusk..it is too funny. i am going to go get a feeder stick today anything that is tempting to feed them let me know