my harlequin tusk was swimimming really slowly then suddenly he darted and i mean darted everywhere and then stopped then did it again and he mixed up all the sand. then he went into a rock with his tail hanging out and my niger came along and bit his tail. not a big bite but about 2 cm.
i just turned off the lights to calm everyone....is somthing wrong with him he came from saltwaterfish.com yesterday. and at night he changes colors almost white and u can barley see his colors, my clown does the same at night when it is dark , is it ok?
[ April 28, 2001: Message edited by: dlight692000 ]
i just turned off the lights to calm everyone....is somthing wrong with him he came from saltwaterfish.com yesterday. and at night he changes colors almost white and u can barley see his colors, my clown does the same at night when it is dark , is it ok?
[ April 28, 2001: Message edited by: dlight692000 ]