Emp Angel


I bought a juv. Emp angel over the weekend, such a gorgeous fish. It seems to be doing well, swimming all over biting at the lr, checking out the crabs, it seems to be really impressed with the big hermit. Anyways I have not observed him to eat anything I put in the tank, I don't know if he is getting anything off the rocks or not. I know I should give him a few days to adjust to his new home. He moved in on saturday nite. Any suggestions are really appreciated.
<img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


Active Member
As mentioned I would not worry about it yet. Try a variety of foods. Mine was picky at first, now he eats green seaweed selects, brine, mysis, angel formula, vhp fomula, and osi spirulina flake. Do not wait a week to feed him. Try small amounts of different foods over a few days to see what he picks at. What other fish are in with him?


Angel fish need to eat to. OUr fish store said we could put a little lettuce. Cause they eat greens off of coral. Also Green Spirulina flake food. And of course everything every one else above said. :D


Hey thanks for the info everyone. The tank is established, I have had it for 2 years with 4" LS, 200 lb LR. The fish with him is:
4-5" Dragon Wrass
2 Maroon clowns
7 green chomis
1 blue devil damsil
1 flame hawkfish
crabs and snails
2 brissitle star fish
1 huge decorator crab
He is the S*#@ of the tank already :D . All the other fish are scared of him. LOL
I have a variety of food I am trying.


I hate to say it, but I do not have a Q-tank. The store I bought him from did quartine him for 3 weeks before they called to tell me he was ready. I think it is a smart idea with the quartine, to find out what he likes to eat. I did buy what he was being fed while at the store. In my opinion this is the best lfs, I have had very good luck with them, all they sell is saltwater. They are very knowledgable.
I should probally invest in one again. I did have a 10g I used to treat a few sick fish. The quartine tank, does it need to be set up all the time? Or can I set it as needed?
As I said before, thank you for all the input. I will try diffrent things until I find what he really likes. I do have mysis, krill, and brime shimp, also I beleive I have some seaweed selects too at home. I will post later when I am at home what kind the lfs sold me, that he is already eating.