Emperor 280 bubbles...

gary jensen

New Member
On my new 20 gallon w/ 45 lbs of LR and 20 lbs of LS, I use a Emperor 280 for filtration. Since I started it 4 or 5 days ago, I have constantly had foamy bubbles all over the surface of the water. Anybody know what causes this? Is there some way I can adjust the filter to not shoot the bubbles or air into the water?


I have had this problem before. My solution was to adjust the level of the water in the tank. If the water is to low or high it creates the bubbles. Since your still cycling I assume that you have no fish in the tank. Try playing with your water level and see if that helps.

gary jensen

New Member
I had considered that a possibility...you think raising the water level up is more likely to remedy this than down?


If the water from the filter is having to cascade into the tank then yes you will need to raise the level.