emperor angel


thanks for everybodies input in the past.
still in the planning stages. FOWLR setup. I bought the tank. it's a 240g long (96x24x24). How long should i wait until i introduce an emperor angel? the stock list is as follows....... snowflake eel, volitans lionfish, a tang (not sure which one yet) and and emperor angel.
Thanks for any and all suggestions


Active Member
Six months is not too long. Depending on the tang you select, the angel should be last man in. Also, if you plan to keep a volitans, let it get settled in. Large angels can be merciless to lions in some cases, picking at the fins and stressing them to death. Allowing the lion to stake out a claim can minimize this.


Well-Known Member
nicetry is right - an emperor should be the last fish into the tank. They can be pretty bossy, so let everyone else establish territories. Don't rush the emperor - a mature tank is very beneficial for them.