Emperor Angelfish


New Member
Can someone please take a look at this fish. He does not look quite right.
His upper and lower body looks like it is swollen.
This stated about a week ago.
The fish is still eating good, but is not very active
Any comments would be appreciated.



Active Member
Please list your water parameters and tell us about the tank... size, how long it's been running, other inhabitants, etc.
Also tell us about the fish... how long have you had him?
Look at this thread, post 16 and 21.


Staff member
Did this develop suddenly or gradually? What are you feeding the fish? How long have you had him? Notice a aggression? How is he behaving?


New Member
Thanks for the quick replies!
Here is some history on the tank:
It is a 110 in-wall tall, about 1 1/2 years old with SPS, LPS and a few softies. I run a Sulfur De nitrifier that keeps my nitrates at zero. I run a large skimmer and phosphate reactor. I also have a 30 gallon refuge with 6" of Fiji mineral mud. For lighting, I run a 300W LED light.
Large FISH:
Blue hippo tang (5")
Marine Betta (5")
Emperor Angelfish (5")
I have had the Emperor for about 2 months
I got him and a small Sail fin together. He looked good for about a week until he started to show signs of Ich. I removed him as well as the sail fin that got beat to hell and was covered in Ich. I placed them in a 30g tank and treated with copper. After a week, the sail fin died. I don't like treating with copper for to long and the emperor was showing no signs of Ich so I put him back in the display tank. That was when he started to look like he does now. He spends most of time swimming in one spot. He is eating good. I feed New Life Spectrum pelets dipped in extream garlic. I feed once a day.
Keep in mind, there is no way for me to get all my fish out and treat for for Ich. I have found that as long as the water stays good and the fish are happy, they can fight off the ich.
All the other fish look fine.


Staff member
Try expanding the fish's diet to include a variety of foods. Perhaps discontinue the pellets which may be causing the bloating. Feed twice a day, with one meaty meal to include zoecon supplementation.


Active Member
On that note, are you feeding him any angel formula foods? Pomacanthus angels require sponge in their diets to stay healthy. Ocean Nutrition Angel Formula is one of the easier ways to get this to them...
Looks like Ich or Oodidium..also
looks like a blockage in intestines maybe..feed more sponge/wet foods like Formula 1 or 2..lay off dry foods for a while.


New Member
Thanks for the replies!
Unfortunately I came home from work to find the Emperor was dead. This fish never looked healthy from the day I got it. I may have been feeding it the wrong food. Whatever it was, I hate to see it go like that.
Thanks for the info, I will defiantly use it in the future.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jenningsxxx
Thanks for the replies!
Unfortunately I came home from work to find the Emperor was dead. This fish never looked healthy from the day I got it. I may have been feeding it the wrong food. Whatever it was, I hate to see it go like that.
Thanks for the info, I will defiantly use it in the future.
Sorry to hear...Future reference, never add a "large" angel or Butterfly without treating for Flukes. They are highly susceptible and this kills so many angels. Prazipro is the best medicine for this. It is a very easy treatment, it should be done in QT, but it can be done in the display if needed.


New Member
Flukes? It does look like what killed him. Do you know if it gives them digestive problems? This fish always looked a little bloated