Emperor Angels.


Originally Posted by richie69
I Recently Picked Up An Passer Angel Of About 7 Inches, Absolutely Gorgeous, Since The First Day He Knew Who I Was. So Far Eating O.n. Formula 2 Pellets, Mysis And Flakes. Keeping My Fingers Crossed. Looking To Get At Least A 220 Gal Tank, In Future...
i guess hes in full adult coloration at 7" , can you post a picture ?he must be awesome. Ive only seem them in juvi or subadult colors.
Originally Posted by richie69
I Recently Picked Up An Passer Angel Of About 7 Inches, Absolutely Gorgeous, Since The First Day He Knew Who I Was. So Far Eating O.n. Formula 2 Pellets, Mysis And Flakes. Keeping My Fingers Crossed. Looking To Get At Least A 220 Gal Tank, In Future...
thats awesome>!!!!!
very purty fish


I've had a koran now for about 6 months. He was pretty stressed when I first got him. He got sick with.....i forgot.....the disease where you get those little cauliflower things and had some head erosion (which we are still trying to fix). Anyways, nourished him back to health and he's beautiful (even beautiful with the little head erosion left)! He's about 4 maybe 5 inches now. He loves to eat anything we give him. Besides him getting sick in the very beginning, i haven't had any problems with him.


Originally Posted by Hammerhed7
Welcome to the boards, I personally have had no luck with large angels. I have lost 2 emporers, and a koran ( not at the same time). My water was always good, and they thrived for months, then died without warning. After losing that much $ I gave up on them for good (but still find myself thinking about trying again every time I see one at the lfs). There are alot of people here with great angels, they will be able to help.
i also had two emperors and both lost their colours and died...i know how it feels, good thing i got them for $30 each
people also remember i your tanks arent in great condtion dont go and buy new fish because you have enough money in your pocket to go and buy that new fish when maybe your filter wont support it, or something is meesed up like Ph balance etc.
what im tryin to say is
so dont rush into buying fish or anything like that


Based on the different experiences(good and bad) on this thread and research Ive done on emperors ,its seems external factors are the culprit of cutting its life short, not the species itslef. I know people who have had this fish for years and thrived while others had them for months. I believe the correct size tank, habitants and parameters are what allows this fish to thrive in the home aquarium. Like "Grouperlover" mentioned above, people need to look at the entire picture and determine , do i have the right tank for this fish? Too many people blame the fish for dying and dont examine their tank to find out what exactly caused the death. For example, anyone with tank less than 9 months or under 180 gallons and no LR has no business getting a large angel. It dont matter hown many bags of LS you buy at an LFS , there is no way a tank you just cycled in three weeks is ready for a fish that requires a mature tank. Even if you have the correct size DT, then you have to look at factors such as tank population and protein skimming. If your tank looks like Times Square and nitrates are at 100 dont expect your Emperor to thrive . Same applies if you have another fish harrasing him 24/7. Nutrition is another important factor. Again, lets look at our tanks before we say that Emperors(or other Angels) are hard to keep in home aquariums.
Then there is also the possibilty of the fish caught using cyanide as someoen mentioned earlier. So its also good practice to know where your lfs is getting their fish from. BTW, I've had my Queen for 21/2 years and Emperor for six months. I also have a french in a separate tank for 18 monhts. Good luck to everyone with your angels.


Active Member
Originally Posted by peter1215
Based on the different experiences(good and bad) on this thread and research Ive done on emperors ,its seems external factors are the culprit of cutting its life short, not the species itslef. I know people who have had this fish for years and thrived while others had them for months. I believe the correct size tank, habitants and parameters are what allows this fish to thrive in the home aquarium. Like "Grouperlover" mentioned above, people need to look at the entire picture and determine , do i have the right tank for this fish? Too many people blame the fish for dying and dont examine their tank to find out what exactly caused the death. For example, anyone with tank less than 9 months or under 180 gallons and no LR has no business getting a large angel. It dont matter hown many bags of LS you buy at an LFS , there is no way a tank you just cycled in three weeks is ready for a fish that requires a mature tank. Even if you have the correct size DT, then you have to look at factors such as tank population and protein skimming. If your tank looks like Times Square and nitrates are at 100 dont expect your Emperor to thrive . Same applies if you have another fish harrasing him 24/7. Nutrition is another important factor. Again, lets look at our tanks before we say that Emperors(or other Angels) are hard to keep in home aquariums.
Then there is also the possibilty of the fish caught using cyanide as someoen mentioned earlier. So its also good practice to know where your lfs is getting their fish from. BTW, I've had my Queen for 21/2 years and Emperor for six months. I also have a french in a separate tank for 18 monhts. Good luck to everyone with your angels.
While this is an excellent post; lets not forget that LR has not always been around, I raised at least 3 large angels from juvi to long-lived adult without it. I did lose my very 1st one, cyanide is my guess. The main ingredients in their diets was romaine lettuce, spirulina flakes, and brine shrimp, unheard of now. I am not trying to steer anyone away from the more "purist" use of LR, nor arguing that LR is not generally a superior media; but all the needs of angels (Maybe not mandarins, but most other fish) can be met with other diets and methods of filtration. Let the public stoning begin; but, I just get a little nostalgic at times. That's why i still have a small (55g) "retro tank, that is probably overstocked, but thriving. There are very few "absolutes" in this hobby, I just don't think LR is one of them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by srfisher17
While this is an excellent post; lets not forget that LR has not always been around, I raised at least 3 large angels from juvi to long-lived adult without it. I did lose my very 1st one, cyanide is my guess. The main ingredients in their diets was romaine lettuce, spirulina flakes, and brine shrimp, unheard of now. I am not trying to steer anyone away from the more "purist" use of LR, nor arguing that LR is not generally a superior media; but all the needs of angels (Maybe not mandarins, but most other fish) can be met with other diets and methods of filtration. Let the public stoning begin; but, I just get a little nostalgic at times. That's why i still have a small (55g) "retro tank, that is probably overstocked, but thriving. There are very few "absolutes" in this hobby, I just don't think LR is one of them.
Even if you have "Base rock" or whatever, dosen't it eventually turn into the same thing as "Live rock" we buy from the ocean? It just takes a tank without "true" "Live rock" longer to cycle....right?


New Member
I`ll Try Sometime This Week To Get A Picture Up, But Yeah He`s Full Adult, And Look`s As If He`s Trying To Rule The Tank. BY THE WAY HOW DO YOU GET A PICTURE ON HERE


Originally Posted by srfisher17
While this is an excellent post; lets not forget that LR has not always been around, I raised at least 3 large angels from juvi to long-lived adult without it. I did lose my very 1st one, cyanide is my guess. The main ingredients in their diets was romaine lettuce, spirulina flakes, and brine shrimp, unheard of now. I am not trying to steer anyone away from the more "purist" use of LR, nor arguing that LR is not generally a superior media; but all the needs of angels (Maybe not mandarins, but most other fish) can be met with other diets and methods of filtration. Let the public stoning begin; but, I just get a little nostalgic at times. That's why i still have a small (55g) "retro tank, that is probably overstocked, but thriving. There are very few "absolutes" in this hobby, I just don't think LR is one of them.
first , thanks for the complement and i certainly can't argue with you on the LR issue as i have friends who's tank has done well for years with little or no rock. I know a guy who's had a 125 with LS, fake rocks/corals, hangon berlin skimmer and bioballs in a sump for 5 years. His tank still looks great and hardly losses any fish(note there are no angels in this tank). Like you said there, is no "absolute" in this hobby but there is a certain standard that people should follow especially when dealing with fish that have more complex requirements . I personally feel that angelfish will have longer and healthier life in a system with LR as opposed to say using bioballs(especially if theyre not cleaned out often). I have tried both methods and my success rate using LR by far surpasses the bioballs. But as my LFS guys says, "what ever works or you" !


Active Member
Originally Posted by peter1215
first , thanks for the complement and i certainly can't argue with you on the LR issue as i have friends who's tank has done well for years with little or no rock. I know a guy who's had a 125 with LS, fake rocks/corals, hangon berlin skimmer and bioballs in a sump for 5 years. His tank still looks great and hardly losses any fish(note there are no angels in this tank). Like you said there, is no "absolute" in this hobby but there is a certain standard that people should follow especially when dealing with fish that have more complex requirements . I personally feel that angelfish will have longer and healthier life in a system with LR as opposed to say using bioballs(especially if theyre not cleaned out often). I have tried both methods and my success rate using LR by far surpasses the bioballs. But as my LFS guys says, "what ever works or you" !
Again I pretty much agree. I'm convinced that LR may do some beneficial things that we just don't know about yet. It is such a natural part of the reef that this would make sense. I know it is vital for reefs, does a superior job on nitrates, provides food sources and requires less maintenance than the alternatives. I'll admit to having some old geezer thinking sometimes; but I really don't like the stuff, again not trying to start an argument (although I have no problem doing that sometimes). In my "retro" tank, I have a good method of keeping nitrates under control (under 40 in fish-only is fine with me; I've never seen good research that says that this is a dangerous level for fish) and provide an excellent diet--there is so much good food on the market now. Again, not for everyone, but LR is expensive and IMO--fairly ugly. I have 3 beautiful, well-maintained tanks, all with healthy, gorgeous fish; but my little "retro" tank, with all the skeletal coral gets the most "oooh's and Aaah"s from visitors. I'll admit that the reef tank I lost in Katrina really wowed visitors; and I hope to do another soon; that is the pinnacle of the hobby as far as I'm concerned. I'm rally a little jealous of the folks that have them, mine was a masterpiece IMO, but...oh well.I use LR & LS in my 2 bigger tanks, but could easily live without it, and so could my fish. Also, would someone address kjr_trig's live/dead rock question above? Obviously, I'm not the one to do it.


have you posted any pictures of your reto tank? what fish are in it? I'd love to see it. I recall seeing a picture on this site of a tank full with angels, fake coral and no LR with a bright blue backgound. the tank looked awesome...so good it looked fake!


Active Member
Originally Posted by peter1215
have you posted any pictures of your reto tank? what fish are in it? I'd love to see it. I recall seeing a picture on this site of a tank full with angels, fake coral and no LR with a bright blue backgound. the tank looked awesome...so good it looked fake!
Agreed...Srfisher, please get your camara crew/it department (kids) to work and post some pictures of your tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Agreed...Srfisher, please get your camara crew/it department (kids) to work and post some pictures of your tanks.
Yeah, my kids are my tech dept. I resist learning anything I don't have to.
My "retro" is only 55G, so no big Angels. It does have an African Flameback Angel, a trio of Carderryi Anthias, a McCosker's Flasher Wrasse, a Blackcap Basslet, and a pair of Solomon Island Black Onyx Clowns. (I know, too many fish.).I just moved a Dwarf Zebra Lion, growing too fast I'm thinking of moving the trio of anthias too.
If my son will bless me with 2 mins of his time after BB tonight; we'll post some pics, there should be some somewhere in the computer now; I (with help) just sent some to a friend in Mississippi.