emperor babies


Active Member
Originally Posted by peter1215
man , Ive nevrer heard of anyone breeding angels in captivity. Especially in a home tank.

Yes, I would really really encourage people to wait for pictures.
Don't start counting the money.
Even in the exceedingly unlikely event that this is true...they wouldn't be easy to raise (even clownfish are not the easiest to raise).


Active Member
Certain dwarf angels have been bred captively but to my knowledge, none of the larger specimens have been succesfully aquacultured. To have it happen in a home tank would be nothing short of amazing to the large brreding installations that are now attempting the larger species. Again, the proof will be in the pictures. My sense is that even if it is true, the fry will not survive. One of the problems in captive breeding is the lack of adequate food to sustain them in the early stages. I'd be interested in hearing what they are eating. Also, even if they die, post some pictures.


Active Member
nicetry -
Just a quick search online seems to indicate that this species does not form some "nest" area as described (or as seen in things like clowns) but releases eggs/sperm into the water column after displaying fairly characteristic courtship behavior...just doesn't seem like this behavior is any way related (again, I would like to see the tank even showing these two fish...because yes, I am suspicious).


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
nicetry -
Just a quick search online seems to indicate that this species does not form some "nest" area as described (or as seen in things like clowns) but releases eggs/sperm into the water column after displaying fairly characteristic courtship behavior...just doesn't seem like this behavior is any way related (again, I would like to see the tank even showing these two fish...because yes, I am suspicious).
makes me and problly you all wonder :thinking: :thinking: ***)
btw ar they eating
i saw this b4 today in a thread
dont count your chickens b4 they hatch!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
nicetry -
Just a quick search online seems to indicate that this species does not form some "nest" area as described (or as seen in things like clowns) but releases eggs/sperm into the water column after displaying fairly characteristic courtship behavior...just doesn't seem like this behavior is any way related (again, I would like to see the tank even showing these two fish...because yes, I am suspicious).
Yup. The breeding/spawning behavior described is in consistant with the fishes natural mating habits.
Hmmm..... :thinking:


i want to see some pics if they are still alive this could be a break through to fish science everywhere


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Just a quick search online seems to indicate that this species does not form some "nest" area as described (or as seen in things like clowns) but releases eggs/sperm into the water column after displaying fairly characteristic courtship behavior...just doesn't seem like this behavior is any way related (again, I would like to see the tank even showing these two fish...because yes, I am suspicious).
Yea I really hope this is not a troll... Ill be angry because I keep checking back for pics and I still see nothing.


Active Member
If I dont see pics I will not believe this.. This is starting to get annoying cause im always checking back. I dont think this is true because he hasnt responded in a while.


Active Member
Originally Posted by theappe
waiting for pics....prob. not true....
probally if we dnt get some pics