emperor needs help


have 7 inch emperor angel just started hypo had small amount of ich but has eye cloud what is the best and safest med to use with hypo and can full strength be used ph 8.2, salinity1.010,thanks


Active Member
Is the fish in a quarantine tank by itself?
What are you using to measure salinity?
You'll need to drop the sg to 1.009, and keep it there. The eye cloud may be a secondary bacterial infection or a result of sustandard water quality. Post all of your water parameters, specifically nitrate and pH. Keep an eye on your pH as it will drop in lower salinities. If the fish was netted recently, this also could have caused some trauma to the eye. If you're doing hypo, I wouldn't rush to use meds just yet.
Maybe someone can move this to the Disease forum for a better concentration of replies.


ph is 8.2,been using b-ionic to buffer new r/o water,i think it is secondary infection from ich,been using 2 hydrometers to meaSure sALINITY,i know refrationers are better but not much on fish stores near me,so how long would you let cloudy eye go