emperor not good


had 7 inch emperor for2 weeks he is in a 150 gal by himself been in hypo for 6 days no sign of ich but has had eye cloud for 10 days very bad today and skin looks blotchy .yesterday gave 3/4 dose of e-m tablets for eye cloud thats when i noticed skin blotchyness so i just changed 10 gal water because i thought maybe ammonia spike what should i do or use,salinity 1.090,ph 8.0,sorry no test kit for ammonia should i full dose e-m tablets or try?????eye so bad right now can not see to eat


Active Member
What all does the 150 have in it as far as substrate, rock, etc.. How long has it been set up? You really need to try to test for ammonia, nitrite and nitrates.
What are you using to measure the salinity. Did the fish have ich as a reason for doing hyposalinity? Is the eye just cloudy or is it also protruding?
Is the fish eating at all or has it been eating for you?
Let's find out the water parameters first.
The color fade/blotchiness and even the cloudy eye can be secondary problems to ich.
Also, changing out 10 gallons in a 150 is not going to do anything. You need to perform a substantial water change using aged, aerated saltwater. 30 gallons is not too much, and more may be needed if there is an ammonia or nitrite reading.
Can you get some Nitrofurazone? (sold as FuracynT) It works well on internal and external infections and is well absorbed by most fish. One of the better antibiotics IMO. You need to dim the lights as it is inactivated by light. It also has the benefit of some anti parasitic action.


ok i have about 200 lbs live rock,3 inches aragonite,fish has been eating like a horse but not today because eye cloud bad,did hypo because he did have ich when i got him it is just a heavy film of cloud on eye wish i had a cameraalso i am limited to pet stores so will travel today just need to find out what to get sorry have not kit for nitrites.or nitrates,have had another reef tank for 2 years with no problems so now i am stumped on this one


Active Member
You must not do hyposalinity in a tank full of live rock. The lower salinity will kill off the life forms in the rock and cause an ammonia spike. You need to remove the fish to a cycled quarantine tank with no live rock or substrate, or remove the rock from the tank. Wow..at this point, start doing some massive water changes with salinity that matches that of the 150. Again, test for ammonia. This could well be your problem but it needs to be rectified immediately. Put your rock in large rubbermaid bins with some tank water and a powerhead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cottam411
ok but what about the eye cloud could that actually be from ammonia spike and should i treat for that
My sense is that the eye cloud is a secondary infection, but if there is ammonia in the tank, the fish is compromised so that it's natural immune function isn't kicking in. Your first priority is to stabilize the parameters in the 150, or better yet quarantine the angel in a smaller tank that is going to be easier to manage. If at all possible, I'd go out and purchase a 20 gallon tank. If you have a hang on filter in the 150, transfer that to the 20 to cycle it, and fill the 20 with water from the 150. Then start doing water changes until the parameters come into line. Worry about the 150 later. Antibiotics at this point won't help much given the potential parameters in the tank. First things first and that's to test your water.


ok i will try that i have a 30 gal reason i did 150 is to be sure no more ich in 150 thanks for your help also if i do need anything for eye cloud what should i get so i have it on hand


Active Member
Originally Posted by cottam411
ok i will try that i have a 30 gal reason i did 150 is to be sure no more ich in 150 thanks for your help also if i do need anything for eye cloud what should i get so i have it on hand
The 30 would be a great hospital tank. Just be sure it is fully cycled. As far as antibiotics, the Furacyn I mentioned is good. Maracyn 2 for salt water is also effective.