Emperor Snapper...anyone have experience with them?

trigga fish

New Member
I'm looking at getting one and was wondering if anyone has any experince keeping them. Research says minimum of 240 gal...I have a 300 gal with a clown trigger 5", emperator 10", lunar wrasse 8" & porcupine puffer 8".
Based on what I read so far I think he'll be a good tank mate, but wanted to get some feedback from anyone who's kept one in their tank.


I had one for awhile until it outgrew my tank. the one I had was a very good eater, very active, and should be able to handle itself in your tank, wish it would not have out grew my tank. Good Luck
they are good greedy eaters. they grow real fast
it would be a good addition make sure your filtration can handle the waste your fish produce.

trigga fish

New Member
Thanks for your info.
Guppie...What size tank did he outgrow?
Others please keep it coming. I think I'm going to get one. My wife loves big fish...and if she had it her way, she'd buy them when they are full grown! She doesn't find watching them grow nearly as interesting as I do.


Active Member
emperor snappers are great fish. they are very hardy, eat at every feeding, and peaceful with anything that wont fit in their mouth. their deep crimson as a juvie fades to a more pinkish red when they are full grown. they will eat ANYTHING, squid, silversides, clams, krill, shrimp, etc. Good luck on your new fish, it will be a great addition. bo
ps, hows your angel doing?

trigga fish

New Member
Grouper Head...great id!
The Emperor Angel is king of the tank and doing great. He's about 10" long, 6.5" tall and about 2.5+" thick. Now that's a fish that will eat anything! He eats anything I throw in the tank that can fit in his mouth...fish chunks, clams, krill, silversides, live feeder fish, lettuce, formula 1,2 etc, brussel sprouts (don't feed fish this...they don't process it very well and won't eat it the 2nd time around), squid, raw shrimp etc.
The Snapper will fit in well with the angel I think.
Here's something wierd the angel does. When the clown trigger gets too close to him...he grunts. It's a deep thump that sounds like the noise my cabinet doors make when they slam. I've heard his grunts from two rooms away! I never knew thay did that until I got one.
Does anyone know if this is common with big fat angels or do I have some kind of Freak Fish?
Thanks for the replies! Keep them coming.
Unless someone can convince me why I shouldn't get the Snapper, I'm going to get him.