Emporator Angel


I bought one of these today. It is about 4 inches. They had two there, the other was about 1 in. Both were eating at the store. Did I make the right choice between them. eg is it better getting the bigger one or should of I gone for the tiny one. It such a beauty.
I was going to go for the Blue Girlded or the blue lined, but went other wise. Whats peoples experience with these fish?


I have a 9" one that I've had for about 3 yrs. now, it went through it juvenile coloration and transformed into a very beautiful adult. No problems with color change or HLLE, great fish! One thing I've noticed he does better when he is the biggest and dominant fish in the tank!


I think you made the right choice... in most fish very small and very large specimines are hard to acclimate and dont do as well. But that is just my opinion and others may have had great experience with tiny fish