Emporer's Gone


It was a tough fight and he just gave up last night. I want to thank Nicetry and Sepulation for all of the help through my battle trying to keep him going. I am going to set the QT up again but it will be awhile before I try again due to the fact that my work has me traveling a lot coming up...... Just need to make sure I did things right.
I know I probably changed out too much water after gettting the Sal to 1.009 and I will remember that. And then having to remove the rock didn't help.
This time the QT will be set up for at least 3 months before any fish go into it.
Since it's a good idea to hypo no matter what (when you get a new fish)should I start with the Sal at something like 1.021 so it won't take so many water changes to get it to 1.009????? Once the QT is ready to come back up (after 3 weeks of no ICH, or ready to move to DT) do I use DT water and bring it up 3ppt per day until I have reached the level of the DT???? Then will I need to acclimate since the fish is already in DT water?????
I guess the main thing I can't understand is that I have kept my 90 going for so long but I can't keep a fish alive in a 20 for more that 3 weeks. It's frustrating........
Thanks again to all that assisted me in my plite........
Until next time......
Take care and good nite........


sorry to hear of your loss. i am about to start hypo, probably on thursday, any advice you can give me? thanks and sorry again.


I guess the biggest thing I can say it take it very slowly with your water changes after you get to the Salinity level you want. I really think that is where I went wrong. I took too much BIO out of the water. But then again like Nicetry and Geridoc said in my last post it could have just been that the ICH had taken over so much that it started affecting his gills as well. I gave him a burial at sea this morning and just couldn't bring myself to do an autopsy so I have no idea what really did it.
Just make sure you stay on top of all water conditions and post questions here....... I know that the folks that answer questions here have lives so they are not here all the time, but I highly recommend that you wait to hear from someone here before you leap. I think that was another one of my problems. Didn't wait for a good answer before I did what I thought was the right thing to do. Turns out in some cases I was right but obviously not right enough..........
Good luck.... I really don't think it is that bad you just need to stay on top of things.....


yeah thanks, i have gotten a good bit of info from the "vets" around here, and i think i know what to do... *knock on wood*


Originally Posted by HogCr8
It was a tough fight and he just gave up last night. I want to thank Nicetry and Sepulation for all of the help through my battle trying to keep him going. I am going to set the QT up again but it will be awhile before I try again due to the fact that my work has me traveling a lot coming up...... Just need to make sure I did things right.
I know I probably changed out too much water after gettting the Sal to 1.009 and I will remember that. And then having to remove the rock didn't help.
This time the QT will be set up for at least 3 months before any fish go into it.
Since it's a good idea to hypo no matter what (when you get a new fish)should I start with the Sal at something like 1.021 so it won't take so many water changes to get it to 1.009????? Once the QT is ready to come back up (after 3 weeks of no ICH, or ready to move to DT) do I use DT water and bring it up 3ppt per day until I have reached the level of the DT???? Then will I need to acclimate since the fish is already in DT water?????
I guess the main thing I can't understand is that I have kept my 90 going for so long but I can't keep a fish alive in a 20 for more that 3 weeks. It's frustrating........
Thanks again to all that assisted me in my plite........
Until next time......
Take care and good nite........
Ah Cory, I am so sorry that you lost him. Giving your qt a few months to be fully cycled and stable will help so much for the next qt process. To keep the qt cycled, just drop a little fish food in there once a week. This will create an ammonia source for the bacteria. The SG for your qt can be at 1.021 if you are qting fish. If you are qting an invert then it should be around 1.025 You do not have to immediately hypo a new fish without signs of disease. If you have any questions, just let us know


On that note Sep, I do have a question..... I am planning on getting 2 feather dusters. I am assuing I should QT them but for how long?????


Originally Posted by HogCr8
On that note Sep, I do have a question..... I am planning on getting 2 feather dusters. I am assuing I should QT them but for how long?????
3 weeks. All non-fish get qt'd for 3 weeks. You will probably have to add some food for filter feeders to the water. It comes in a bottle, you just squirt it at them.


Originally Posted by HogCr8
I use DT plankton for my DT so I figured I'd use that....
Sounds good
Make sure your qt fully finishes the cycle before you add anything in there. Inverts are more sensitive to water quality than fish are.


Active Member
Sorry to hear of this Cory. As I mentioned, it was not for lack of effort on your part. ****** is devastating and there are still things about it we don't understand. Some fish respond well to treatments and others won't. Some develop immunity to it while others can't fight it off no matter what. Chock it up to a lesson learned about keeping a QT up all the time. Given what most of us have invested in the hobby, it's really not too much trouble.


It's really not so I will keep it up and going all the time. Since this is really my first experience with Hypo I will take quite a bit away the the lesson and will be a little bit more prepared next time....
Thanks again