Empty Cannister??


shrimpy brains

Does anyone have any thoughts,(positive or negative) about running an empty cannister filter, just to send water thru a chiller?? (mostly, because its what I have to do this with) Thought with it being empty, I would not have to do cleanings as often as with media in there. I have a refugium that I placed above tank(no drilling in tank and PVC overflows did'nt work like I wanted them too) So, I drilled into a rubbermaid and put return pump in tank. Problem is, with fuge being up there and close to halides, tank is getting too hot. Would not be convenient at this point to run chillr thru fuge system, so thought this would work.

Also, any recommendations for a good HOB skimmer for 125g tank? I need something better than what I have!


I use my canisters for my 225g for flow mainly...the only thing I keep in them are those ceramic media rings.....