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I'm definitley going to keep it going that's why it's still running now...just empty
I'm just not sure what direction I want to go with it.
I'm not very confident with fragging. That's one of the reasons everything went to the bigger tank lol. They outgrew their space in the nano, I was scared to make any cuts so I gave them a bigger home
It's too small to really make it a species specific type of thing....I wish their was a miniature version of an angler..I've always wanted one but don't have any other tanks suited to it. Although I do now have a 36 (? I think) that's also empty (nothing in that one at the moment though...it's totally emptied out). The contents of that tank joined the nano in the bigger one
I've been on "a list" for a mantis shrimp for about 4 months now...would have loved to go that route but it doesn't look like I'm ever going to get my hands on one of those guys.
I guess I could do a different variation of reef tank...maybe upgrade the lighting and try something new on a smaller scale?
Just not sure....
someone had an angler ina 5.5galllon tank just fine, they start out really really small so im sure a 12 would be perfectly fine