

The only things left in my nano right now are sand and water. I've moved all the contents to their new home in a bigger tank and now I'm wondering what to do with the empty 12 gallon nano looking lonely in the corner.


WOW..LOL...The possibilities are endless......what is in the bigger tank...you can do a shrimp tank...solely reef.....etc.....


Originally Posted by patrick8929
do you want to start it back up? could be a nice little frag tank for your bigger tank

I'm definitley going to keep it going that's why it's still running now...just empty
I'm just not sure what direction I want to go with it.
I'm not very confident with fragging. That's one of the reasons everything went to the bigger tank lol. They outgrew their space in the nano, I was scared to make any cuts so I gave them a bigger home

It's too small to really make it a species specific type of thing....I wish their was a miniature version of an angler..I've always wanted one but don't have any other tanks suited to it. Although I do now have a 36 (? I think) that's also empty (nothing in that one at the moment though...it's totally emptied out). The contents of that tank joined the nano in the bigger one ;)
I've been on "a list" for a mantis shrimp for about 4 months now...would have loved to go that route but it doesn't look like I'm ever going to get my hands on one of those guys.
I guess I could do a different variation of reef tank...maybe upgrade the lighting and try something new on a smaller scale?
Just not sure....


Originally Posted by patrick8929
a shrimp tank would be cool, or an angler tank?
Whoa...that's kind of weird. I was typing up my response while you posted this I guess

Is there an angler that would work in a 12? I thought they all needed a minimum of 30?


I'd kind of like to have a pair of harlequin shrimp...I would think sizewise they may be okay in a smaller tank, but I'd be concerned that feeding them would put tremendous stress on the bioload considering their "diet"?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jennln
I'm definitley going to keep it going that's why it's still running now...just empty
I'm just not sure what direction I want to go with it.
I'm not very confident with fragging. That's one of the reasons everything went to the bigger tank lol. They outgrew their space in the nano, I was scared to make any cuts so I gave them a bigger home

It's too small to really make it a species specific type of thing....I wish their was a miniature version of an angler..I've always wanted one but don't have any other tanks suited to it. Although I do now have a 36 (? I think) that's also empty (nothing in that one at the moment though...it's totally emptied out). The contents of that tank joined the nano in the bigger one ;)
I've been on "a list" for a mantis shrimp for about 4 months now...would have loved to go that route but it doesn't look like I'm ever going to get my hands on one of those guys.
I guess I could do a different variation of reef tank...maybe upgrade the lighting and try something new on a smaller scale?
Just not sure....
someone had an angler ina 5.5galllon tank just fine, they start out really really small so im sure a 12 would be perfectly fine


Hmm...well swf currently has two frogfish available. It says that they are between 2-4 inches upon shipping. I would think 2 inches would be okay but the 4 inch size may already be too big for a 12 gallon tank, no? I wonder what size they would be considered to be safe in 12 gallons. I could just go ahead and start up the 30-whatever it is again, but then I'm still left with what to do with the 12 lol


I have two...one of the lfs never carries anything "cool" as far as fish go, corals yes, fish no....the other I only trust for supplies. None of their livestock is ever looking that healthy :(


Originally Posted by Cranberry

So where are we in this discussion. I see a lot of tanks being mentioned :)
I'm trying to figure out what to do with my 12 gallon that's now sitting fallow. Wondering if either one of the frog fish swf has for sale would be okay in it for any period of time, or if the 4 inch size (seems they ship from 2-4 inches) would be too big for that size tank?


Active Member
A 12 is too small for a striatus. Both of those in the pictures are a striatus, the one listed under antennarius sp is just a juvi.
Don't ever buy an angler that is listed just as a antennarius sp unless you are able to house a monster. Commersons are very popular and often mis-ID'd. They also get HUGE!!
One of the smallest anglers that are easier to properly ID is the warty. Depending on how strict your cleaning skills are, a warty could be kept in a 12g. But you would really have to be up on your game.


Active Member
And remember those 12g nanos really hold about only 8 gallons of water... further reduced by LR when set up :)


Yeah I figured I couldn't possibly be that lucky lol. I do have the larger tank I could re-set up and maybe house one in later on, but that still leaves me with what I could house in the 12 lol. Since I've completely emptied the other tank, I'd have to basically start from scratch with that one so it will be awhile before it's ready for any additions. Are there any neat/unique little critters that could live comfortably in a 12 gallon all to themselves for a little while at least?


Originally Posted by Cranberry
One of the smallest anglers that are easier to properly ID is the warty. Depending on how strict your cleaning skills are, a warty could
be kept in a 12g. But you would really have to be up on your game.
Where do you even find these guys? My lfs never has anything like this and they aren't for sale on this or any other site as far as I can see. I know you probably can't answer this anyway
but I am jealous of those of you who are able to get your hands on species like these.