
nacl freak

No one is guaranted an added moment on this earth. Use every moment you are given to enjoy the simple pleasures. You've heard "love the one your with" I encourage each and everyone who reads this to do so. Reflect on how those around you make your life full and meaningful. Tell them every opportunity you have what they mean to you. Don't let the worries of this old world drag you down. Don't take for granted you'll have time later to spend time with your family or friends. I write this with a heavy heart. A co-worker lost a 15 yr old son this week-end. Life is precious.Time is precious. make the most of it! Hug your significant other, kids and or family members. Call those close to you that you've been meaning too but have been to busy.
Thank-you to all those here that have given me valuable information. Thank-you for listening.


Active Member
Lost my 16 year old son in 2000. Murdered in a pizzaria robbery.
Nothing can replace the people we love while we are here on the planet. Make the most of your time with loved ones.


Active Member
so true, everyday i wish i would have had one more hour with tobin to tell him how much i really loved him, thanks for posting this.


Active Member
I'm so sorry to hear. there is truth to your every word. ::sniff sniff:: i'm going to go call my Husband now......


Thank you so much for the post. It is so easy to get caught up in the problems, hazzles and heartaches of this world and forget about what's most important. The big things that change our lives often happen in just a few, brief, unexpected moments.
Helps put things in perspective.


Active Member

Thanks for the read.
Parents shouldn't have to bury their kids. It tore my mom up to bury my little brother. He was the youngest of four. She kept crying "my baby, my baby" over and over.
I often think about all the fights we had. I'd give almost anything to take them back.
free bump
wow the only loved one i ever lost was when i was really little. this thread really makes me apreciate every little thing you have. i am so sorry for everyone on this board and this world who has ever lost a loved one.