End of Cycle ... ?

Cycle ... ?
4 Weeks Later and my tank is cycled I believe ... The guy at the fish store says I didnt have my damsel in long enough before he passed on .. But I have cycled it with 1 Damsel for about two weeks, and 25 lbs of LR since the beginning and I also have 4 hermits in there (Scarlet'). The guy at the LFS says my tank may have never even cycled ... I beg to differ and wanted a little help ... Algae grew like heck for about a week and then the hermits cleaned it up .. God bless them
But anyhow ... I need to know if Im ready for a small fish or not. The readings at the locals fish store today ... I had it checked at two stores and both were close to eachother ...
spec. gravity: 1.025
water temp.: 81
ph: 8.1 - 8.2
ammonia: 0
nitrite: forgot the reading but it was very low ... (Almost a clear whiteish pink on the test kit.)
Tank Specs:
-20 gallon long
-25 lbs LR
-30-35 lbs of LS
-penguin 125 bio wheel filter
-2 powerheads (turnover rate approx= 260 GPH)
-5 scarlet crabs
-1 blue hermit
Any help would be great ! ... I hope its done ... Eek.
Thanks all,


Did it could up real bad the first week? Mine got almost solid white for about 10 days, then has been crystal clear since. If your amonia is a 0 and nitrates that low, go ahead. Get a cheap fish though, just to be on the safe side.


aslongasyou are reading 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and very low nitrate you should be set. You may want to take some water to a LFS and have them test it as well just to compare to be sure.