End Shots


New Member
jumpfrog, just a quick question about your red coris wrasse. my LFS has two right now & I'm wondering how they do at feeding time as far as coming out when everything else eats, or do they hide under the sand most of the time,like the two at the LFS, & sorry for the OT in the middle of the Photo post


Active Member
No problem!
While they tend to be somewhat shy at first and are quick to go "dirt diving", they soon get over it.
Mine holds her own when it comes to food. She'll generally take a piece of shrimp or krill and head to a corner of the tank to bang it agains the rocks. That's how they "bite" things off. A great eater and the longer she's been in the tank, the less shy she's become.
If your LFS has a healthy specimen and you have at least 4" of sand base, go for it. A great fish!