Engineer Goby and Starfish for sale in NOVA


New Member
Don't know about this one- but I have a mated pair of engineers and if you aren't prepared for the digging- they will drive you nuts! They have to be in a tank where they can rearrange the sand (fairly small grained) constantly without fear of sending the live rock crashing into the sides of the tank.
Corals that can't handle the sand storm will not do well. The only things that don't seem to mind in my tank are some mushrooms and the sebae. Even the gsp are a little touchy about the cloudiness. Other than that, they are pretty easy to care for.


All you need to take care of this thing is a sand bed. I've had him in my tank for almost a year and he's never caused a sandstorm and never had a rock slide. They do move the sand a lot but this is good for the aeration of the substrate. You'll just see a little poof of sand every once in a while when they move some. I have LPS, SPS, mushrooms and softies in my tank and they are not affected at all. I'm going to a bare bottom tank so I need to get rid of him. Let me know.