Engineer Goby question and opinions!


Ok so I have an engineer goby in my 90 gallon reef he has been in there about a year and a half now as you can imagine he is pretty big. My question is have people had problems with engineer gobys and inverts bc i would kinda like to put a couple shrimp in my tank but the way mine eats i did not know if he would just make them into a big meal and
also I read they are sometimes good to keep in pairs since mine has been in my tank for a while would it be too late to add another one I know they are docile but i did not know how they interacted with each other
all opinions and experiences appreciated


i have a HUGE engineer goby at least 12 inches long O_O that beast loves to eat.
Anyways i also have shrimp and all they do is clean his mouth, so to answer your question they will be fine.
The shrimp i have is cleaner shrimp *recently died just dissapeared but not form the goby* and a blood shrimp which is still in their that is the cleaner to my goby

darthtang aw

Active Member
The only problems I have ever encountered with an engineer goby is eating sand. That is it. They never bother other fish or inverts...
Had mine for over 5 years and he eventually died due to intestinal/ stomach blockage of sand...


I have one, I seen him snip at a fish once when it to close to his home. No problems with inverts, there peaceful fish from my exp.


I'm pretty sure mine killed my Coral Banded shrimp and a couple of really small catalina gobies, but I didn't actually see him do it. He's the only thing in the tank big enough to kill it and get rid of the evidence overnight. And I wasn't feeding him enough to make him look that fat. He looked like a Python that had just eaten a pig when I finally caught him out in the open and netted him.
I may have just gotten a "Bad" one.


see i kinda feel that experience i have put a few inverts in there that have just vanished over night and he could definitely just take shrimp down in one gulp