Engineer Goby


Can anyone give an opinion on engineer gobies
are they good in a community tank..?LFS had some
and their resemblence to eels makes them quite attractive..The ones shown in our hosts catalog
do not give these fish justice.They looks so much like eels they should be called Eel Gobies.


I had 2 in my old tank, They do resemble an eel but let me say the most dosile fish I had, They would shoot back and forth in the back of the tank, they would just pop their heads out from under the rock, digging a hole on either side. They ate brine, I had to make sure the current went by then in order for them to eat, In other words the food had to pass by then on the bottom , for them to eat. A definite cool fish to have, Ill have more soon!!! :cool:


a juv. engineer will look different from the adult,the white stripes going horizantal on the juv. end up going vertical in sort of a patern, pretty cool looking..they (should but dont have to) have a sand bottom, they love to dig in the sand and rearrange the tank,its quite impressive to watch them work.. that must be why their called engineers..I've had one 1 yr know its about 7-8 in long