Engineer goby ????


Active Member
i just purchased an engineer goby and he already managaed to jump out of the tank, i did secure the top and made sure it was escape prrof, but are they known for this?? i thought they didnt try to escape like eels do??


Active Member
Thats odd, did you spook it? They usually never go any higher than half way up the tank. They aren't really a goby or blenny even though they are always refered to as either engineer goby, or a convict blenny.
great fish, grats!
here's Godzilla, my son named him.


On the topic of engineer/convict goby/blennies. How big of a tank minimum do you need for these interesting fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
They need at least a 75 or bigger ,they can grow upwards of 12".

Yes, I've read an article that says they get in the 18" neighborhood. It really is one of the most well suited SW fish for the home aquarium. Sure it's not as bright(colored) as most of the others but still a fun fish to watch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
. It really is one of the most well suited SW fish for the home aquarium. .
I would'nt say this at all. They are cool true, but they constantly make a huge mess digging up your sandbed which is not healthy for the tank.


Active Member
yea id id alot of research on them and it seems some hate them some love them, and yes i did spook him right when i put him int he tank so it was my fault i guess...mine is in a 75 gallon tank loving it..
he is also about 12 inches long,,very big looks just like an eel with fins, very gracefull swimmers as well


Active Member
I love my engineer goby. He does not stir up my sandbed at all, and is very active all day long. I have never seen my try to escape though.
Good luck with him PSU.


Active Member
thanks everyone
he was WAY too cool to pass up hes huge at least 12 inches and has great cloration!!