eniginer goby vs. yellow watch men?


i just got a yellow watchman and he is awesome. hes beautiful and hes got tons of personality. definately not shy like i thought he would be. i want to get a pistol shrimp so he can have a friend.


Active Member
i have both.. not in the same tank but... my engineer is cool cause hes 14" so he looks liek an eel,, but a real pain in ther but because all he does is dig tunnels all day long!


I have a yellow watchman. I have seen him(or her) do some cool stuff like digging holes by grabbing mouthfulls of sand and carrying them to a pile. On the down side, mine does tend to hide a lot. I really like him though.


My yellow watchman is da' bomb. It hid for first couple weeks, mostly I believe cause he felt threatened by the insane nerveracking zooming of my yellow tang (which I consequently returned to the wild). My watchman now sits out in the open front and center constantly observing everything, including I believe us. He swims right up to the glass and appears to stare out at us. Likes to make what we call here "big body" (threat displays) when his tankmates invade his space but backs off when they take exception to his threats. He's a real clown, wants nothing to do with the pistol shrimp hitchikers I've accumulated, with the exception of gleefully gorging on the remains of those which I catch, chop up, and feed to him.