Enkamat PF4


Active Member
Just did the mod this last weekend on my 125 coralife skimmer. ended up sewing it on with fishing line, seemed to work better that way. wow what a difference it made on the amount of bubbles. skimmer was a bit noiser at first but got quiter after a while, probably once the enkamat got seated good.


good deal, I just ordered the skimmer yesterday so when I get it in I will take it apart, inspect it, and more than likely want a piece of enkamat from you doc.


sounds easy enough. Just how much does this actually help?
Right now I have a P.O.S. Rio Nano Skimmer on my 29 Gallon so I don't know much about skimmers efficiency at all since this thing doesn't do very much. Would you say the difference is worth the time/money/effort?


Active Member
yea I think so. pretty cheap and pretty easy to put in. well I had the wife sew it in, I can't sew
but she said it was easy. I would say I get twice the bubbles that I did before. IMO well worth the effort for the end results.


Skimmer should be here today as long as one of the roommates is here to sign it or if UPS comes after classes (usually they come right around the time I am getting done). Once it comes I will check to see how easy it should be for me to mod it and I will let you know if I want some as soon as I know.....That is if you still have any left.