Enlightening read for gun owners...and everyone else for that matter.


Active Member
The San Diego Police Officers Association polled it's members about gun control on the 5th May 1997 and published the results in their official newsletter, "The Informant".
Note that the actual questions asked are stated here to prevent confusion. Anyone who has taken a survey knows the pitfalls of vague or misleading questions. I know I certainly do.
1.....Do you support an assault weapons ban? NO - 82.1%
2.....Do you support a limitation on magazine capacity? NO - 82.2%
3.....Do you support a law-abiding private citizen's right to carry a concealed weapon? YES - 84.9%
4.....Do you believe that armed, law abiding citizens are a threat to you as a police officer? NO - 87.8%
5.....Have recent gun laws (weapons ban, magazine capacity limits, and increased waiting periods) reduced violent crime in your area? NO - 94.2%
6.....Would you support a point of sale background check (instant check) for the purchase of a firearm? YES - 92.1%
7.....Does gun ownership by private citizens increase public safety? YES - 87.1%
8.....Do you believe the criminal justice system needs streamlining and reform? YES - 99.2%
9.....Do you believe in the death penalty? YES - 99.2%
10...Do you believe that restrictive gun laws will reduce violent crime? NO - 92.1%
11...Do you believe that gun buy-back or turn-in programs take guns out of the hands of criminals? NO - 98.5%
12...Do you believe that misuse of a firearm in a crime should result in stiff, mandatory sentences with no plea bargaining? YES - 95.6%


Makes sense to me. I can't believe people actually think gun control works. When do the bad guys turn in their guns and follow the laws? Personally, I would feel safer in public places if I thought more people were licensed concealed-carriers. Betcha these shootings at schools and other public places wouldn't happen to the extent they do now. I also think Obama is a bold-faced liar stating he has no desire to take away gun rights. He's waiting for the next school shooting to happen, then he'll swoop in to save us from ourselves. Buy them privately while you still can, it won't be long and that'll be illegal too, then they'll know exactly what you have at home.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Republican Propaganda!!!!!!!!!!

I almost fell out of my chair while reading that Illinois was working on C&C law supported by The Illinois State Police Association.Its been along time coming and i hope it passed.


Originally Posted by FishyFun2
Makes sense to me. I can't believe people actually think gun control works. When do the bad guys turn in their guns and follow the laws? Personally, I would feel safer in public places if I thought more people were licensed concealed-carriers. Betcha these shootings at schools and other public places wouldn't happen to the extent they do now. I also think Obama is a bold-faced liar stating he has no desire to take away gun rights. He's waiting for the next school shooting to happen, then he'll swoop in to save us from ourselves. Buy them privately while you still can, it won't be long and that'll be illegal too, then they'll know exactly what you have at home.
When freedom control advocates ask them real nicely

To everything else to you said, most likely true