Enough filtration


I currently have a 58-gallon tank that uses an Emperor 400 filter. I have ordered a Remora skimmer. I have about 40-50 lb of LR. I currently have a Zoo-med PH and will be adding a Maxi-Jet 900 when I add the new skimmer. My question is can I do without the Emperor filter? I feel it helps with water circulation and provides a good place for carbon, but question if it will disturb the surface water too much and make the skimmer less effective. If I do leave it in, is it a good idea to remove the Bio-wheels? I also am in the process of removing my crushed coral bed to replace it with LS. I have learned a bunch from this board. Thanks.


I use to run my emperor 400 on my 55 too. I really wasn't happy with the filtration. 55 is too long for the emperor in my opinion. The use of the powerhead should help things flow towards the filter. I would try it with the powerhead and see how it does. Or maybe have 2 400s. I had 2 g chromis, 3 damsels and a yellow Tang(all small)FO at the time and it wasn't enough. I have the 400 on my new 29 right now. I am very happy with my new setup. 120g wet dry filter on my 55g.
I agree the 400 is a great filter that can hold lots of carbon. Keep the Bio wheels . Water surface movement is a good thing. I have 40lbs of live sand in my 55 , its about 1 1/2 to 2 inches thick.


Active Member
I use a tetra tec filter I want to buy a new filter and use this on my QT but it is fine there now I will soon buy some bio filters for it. it is rated for 30 to 60 gallons and I use 2 maxi jet 400 and my skimmer is 275 gallons per hour I can tell you once you find the sweet spot on setting your powerheads that 55 will how all the current it needs!


IF you keep the emperor i would keep the bio-wheel on it is just a build up of bebnfical bacterica just like bio-balls or those ceramic things ( sorry forgot what they are called) that are always used in canister filters


Active Member
I bought a penquin 330 last night. Dont get me wrong I would like to have a emperor 400 but this was a brand new in box never used filter and I got it for $23 with shipping and insurance!


I believe at Drs Foster and Smith they have the Emporer 400 on sale for $35, that's where I picked up mine. I can't post the link but do a search for them and you should find em.


Active Member
lol they are a good site I have there site on favorites so I can see pics of fish and see if I can have them. Not that saltwater fish pics arent good I just dont like not being able to load more than 1 at a time so I look at fish elswere but I would probly buy from here just faster.