enough hair already


Well-Known Member
A cup o waste from your skimmer a week is not enough. It needs to get a half a cup a day or more outta the tank. Especially for being so overrated for your system.
Cut your lights down for a few days and run some phosban. Change your pc lights and add a scrubber! Lol.


Active Member
i will turn up the skimmer.now if i do another scrubber do i take out the macro in the sump? can i still run the reactor with the bio spheres?
the pc lights are only 4 months old.i just have the mh on now .they are blue so the tank isnt very bright.the flow is cranked up in there now.
i have to get rid of this crap in the next few months because i plan to move across the strret in the new house in 3-4 months
i plan to pick up the 3 tangs that tangsrule qt for me next saturday i was hopeing to get a handle on this stuff by then


Well-Known Member
Yes, you can have macro with a scrubber. I have no idea about the biospheres and phosban. Biowhatevers are new to me. IDE go with the phosban, personally. I wouldn't worry about the lights if they are only 4 months old. Just kill the lights and let the scrubber run wild.


Active Member
the bio spheres work like vodka dosing from what i have read.it adds carbon to grow bacteria to eat up nitrates and phosphates.
i have everything here except the screen for the scrubber.i will get out in the next couple days for the screen.couldnt hurt.


Well-Known Member
Jeff, read a few threads about scrubbers before you get started, if you haven't already. There's a lot of little tweaks that I wish I would have done with my first scrubber design. IME now, I am going to build my next one in a plastic tote or aquarium to keep the salt spray to an absolute minimum.
It couldn't hurt to try it, like you said. With enough lighting and flow over the screen - it will pull some stuff out of your tank. BUT, it's not the be all end all of filtration either. I am going to have both a scrubber and a skimmer on my new setup.


Active Member
i had a scrubber for about 5 months .it grew a ton on it but the spraying after the algae grew was a mess and the maintanance of scraping was a pita.but what ever gets rid of the hair right now.


Active Member
get this .i have never tested my r/o water since i figure it runs right at the gph it says it does.well i was just sitting here and figured i would test the new batch of r/o
phosphates are .5 wtf? no wonder its been growing like crazy especially when i do 15% water change every week.i was going to do another today but hell no .i will leave the pc lights off all week and let the system eat up the rest of the phosphates .i am going to look for a r/o unit right now.


Active Member
man i just tested it 2 more times and these were at 1.0 and i just put in new filters.guess i have a junk r/o


Well-Known Member
Jeez. Congrats on finding the source of your phosphates. Keep up with reading that TDS meter. You know, you can buy in-line TDS meters?! Maybe adding a couple of DI Units to your RO would help binding phosphate - and you can tell when they are exhausted by their color change.
Glad to hear it. Now document your progress! lol


Active Member
i have a 5 stage r/o di.i just changed the filters i had an extra set.the old ones were nasty.so i am now making some new r/o.i will test it later . i plan to toss the first few gallons.if its still bad i will buy a better new unit