Enough Light for Anemone's?


I was wondering if I would have enough light power for an anemone. I have a 48" T5 2x54 w HO linear lamp by GLO. I have heard reflectors help? but even with this would there be enough light to support the needs of anemone's and soft corals? are any anemone's easier to keep (lighting requirements) than others?
Thanks, Tera


Active Member
Don't know if I would ever try an anemone under just two T5's even with good reflectors. There are some cool tube anemones that would be fine but they must be fed so do your homework if you decide to go that route.
You will be fine for Zoos, Shrooms, and low and mid level lighting softies but thats about it.


Active Member
What size tank is it? Im guessing a 55gal if it is then I agree IMO not enough. At least a 4 bulb HO-t5 fixture, and individual reflectors would help a lot. If you go with a tube anemone you dont need any lights at all as they are nonphotosynthetic but do need to be fed. Although they look like anemones they are not true anemones but a different species altogether.


Thanks, It is a 50g tank, I have heard BT anemone's dont need much lighting and will find the spots in the tank that they prefer, what do you think?. There is some rocks that reach higher, and closer to the light than others, does that make a difference? Will fp clowns inhabit a tube anemone? I have seen then before and will do some research on them, my fish store guy has told me that they will burn other corals?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeraSparrow
Thanks, It is a 50g tank, I have heard BT anemone's dont need much lighting and will find the spots in the tank that they prefer, what do you think?. There is some rocks that reach higher, and closer to the light than others, does that make a difference? Will fp clowns inhabit a tube anemone? I have seen then before and will do some research on them, my fish store guy has told me that they will burn other corals?
Completley false about the BTA's light requirements. Although they may not need as high intense light as some other species of anemones, they still need very high lighting. If you can guarantee the anem will stay at the top of your tank...(which you cannot) then it MIGHT and I emphisize MIGHT work but long term it will still suffer IMO.
No, there is no clown species that will look to a tube anemone for hosting.
And lastly FALSE.. tube anemones although can move generally dont and its not as easy for them to. They are not true anemones and yes while they can sting other corals so can any other anemone. Which would be a lot eaiser to do for other anems because they can move eaiser than the tube anem can. The tube anem also has been studied and proven to have the least poisious sting of all anemones, even aptasia has a bigger bite than a tube anem.


Thank you
your info has been very helpfull, I will have to look into a tube anemone maybe...I have heard that frogspawn or foxpawn or whatever it is called will sometimes host an anemone? would I have enough lighting for them? will my fp clowns kill it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeraSparrow
Thank you
your info has been very helpfull, I will have to look into a tube anemone maybe...I have heard that frogspawn or foxpawn or whatever it is called will sometimes host an anemone? would I have enough lighting for them? will my fp clowns kill it?
Clowns have a bad habit of hosting just about anything. The issue becomes how sensitive the object or animal or coral is that they have chosen. Unfortunatly more times than not when a clown hosts a frogspawn, hammer and other LPS or soft corals the clown ends up killing it. This is dependant on how large the coral is and how small the clown fish is and how aggressive the clown is to the host. It may take a while but in time thats typically the outcome.


Active Member
Torch coral is a pretty good substitute for an anemone. They seem to hold up pretty good to clowns hosting in them.


Thanx guys
I dont know what I would do without all this usefull info..probably spend allot of unnecessary money, and unfortunately most of all waste a few lives...thanx for all the help


Will Torch coral be able to survive under my fairly minimal lighting, only 2 52 w HO PC lights, one a 18,000k powerglo and the other a 54 w actinic...I also have a reflector...if that makes a difference


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeraSparrow
Will Torch coral be able to survive under my fairly minimal lighting, only 2 52 w HO PC lights, one a 18,000k powerglo and the other a 54 w actinic...I also have a reflector...if that makes a difference
That depends on the size of your tank... and as an FYI there are no HO PC lights you either have PC lighting which is NO, or Normal Output, or you have t5 lighting which can be HO. Looking at the watts you posted I am guessing they are just std. PC Lights.


Originally Posted by TeraSparrow
I was wondering if I would have enough light power for an anemone. I have a 48" T5 2x54 w HO linear lamp by GLO. I have heard reflectors help? but even with this would there be enough light to support the needs of anemone's and soft corals? are any anemone's easier to keep (lighting requirements) than others?
Thanks, Tera
No, you do not
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Clowns have a bad habit of hosting just about anything. The issue becomes how sensitive the object or animal or coral is that they have chosen. Unfortunatly more times than not when a clown hosts a frogspawn, hammer and other LPS or soft corals the clown ends up killing it. This is dependant on how large the coral is and how small the clown fish is and how aggressive the clown is to the host. It may take a while but in time thats typically the outcome.
Originally Posted by reefraff

Torch coral is a pretty good substitute for an anemone. They seem to hold up pretty good to clowns hosting in them.
anything from the Genus: Euphyllia are not good for hosting...


Active Member
Originally Posted by TeraSparrow
The light is a T5 HO system...the tank if 50g 48" long and 20" deep and 15" wide..approx
Double your wattage and put individual reflectors over the HO-T5's and you will be ok... other wise you have insufficient lighting.