Enough Light For Zoa's?


New Member

I have 2x65 watt PC 50/50 & 10k in a standard 20. got over 40 lbs LR in it so the rocks at most points are about 6-8'' from water level and no more than 10-12" from the light. I'd like to get some zoa's, just wanted to know if I'm good on lighting and what type of current or placement should i put them in?
ph 8.2 nit 0 nitrates 20 sg .23

gill again68

Active Member
I think for that size tank you will be fine for ZOAS. I put my zoas in medium to low flow. They seem to open more in that type of flow.


Active Member
hey, i think they would do fine, get some pink ones and see how they do, if they do fine and stay open while the lights on it's good. Some zoas close at night to if you wake up and turn on the lights and they are all closed give it 30 mins and see if they are open.