Enough Light in Nano Tank for Zoas?


I am in the process of cycling my 56RR, but I found a pretty good deal on zoas, or what I think is a good deal (50+ eagle eyes and 35+ fire and ice for $50 - if I'm wrong let me know pls
). So....what I will have to do until my 56 is ready would be to put them in my G/F's 14 gallon biocube with the the standard dual compacts. I have a Ric and some mushrooms in there now, but will Zoas be ok under this lighting? Like I said, if its not a good deal let me know and that will alleviate the situation, but if it is, does anybody have experience with zoas and this lighting? Btw- they are two 24 watt bulbs


Active Member
That is an awesome deal!! I have seen 10+ fire and ice for 35 by itself online. and zoas and mushrooms do not require high lighting. Honestly if she doesn't want to spend the extra, she could keep it as a low light tank, with mushrooms, zoas, dendrophyllias, sponges, etc. It would be very colorful and less expensive, at least light-wise.


Sounds good guys. I changed my complete order to a 35+ polyp fire and ice frag, 15+ polyp blue zoos frag, and 15+polyp pink w/ purple rings frag for $52 overnighted. I'll let you guys know how they work. Is there anywhere that I should put them in the tank (I know theres not much room for variation in a 14 nano, but high, medium, low?). Also, is a freshwater dip just dipping them in a bucket of freshwater? If so, how long should I leave them in for (a few seconds, a minute), and if it is different than that then what is the procedure? Thanks everyone!


Dont just dip them in freshwater! There is alot more to it than that. Use reef dip by seachem or some other brand. How do you find a deal like that?

If you really want to do freshwater google it