Enough Light? When to turn on and off?


I have a Coralife PC (2-65 watt) is this enough light? I have a 36 gal. bow front tank, I have fish, LR, a button polyp, macro algae. I wasn't planning on having any corals until after I move and then I was going to upgrade, but does the polyp need more light then this?
Also, this is probably a really dumb question but I was wondering how the lighting is supposed to be set up, I have mine set so the Actinic is on all night and goes off 1/2 hour after the daylight bulb comes on (8:00am) and then the daylight goes off 1/2 hour after the Actinic comes on (9:00pm) Is this right?? I really like the look of the aquarium when both lights are on together, can they be or should they cycle like that??:help: I find this lighting so confusing, but any information and help would be greatly appreciated!:yes:
I was searching an online auction site to see what they have and I came across a light that had the following:
2- 10,000 K Daylight bulbs
1- Actinic Bulb
3- Moon-lites
What is the difference between the Actinic and the moon-lite?:notsure:


Yes you have enough lights for most polyps. But you are running them all wrong. Actinics are to add blue spectrum of light to your tank during the daytime, not at night. It is way too strong for nittime. And you really want both lights on at the same time to keep the coral healthy, otherwise you may stress everything in your tank with lights on 24 hours a day. Turn on your actinics one hour before th other bulb comes on, and then leave them on, turn off your daylight bulb when you are ready and then the actinic one hour after that.


Thank You!
I really did wonder about that, but why do none of the books or anything tell you that?? At least none that I read. Should you then have some sort of light for at night? I guess that is what those moon lites are for? Or is that not nessasary? Boy if my aquarium is doing this good with me running the lights wrong, I can't wait to see what happens when I change them! :yes: Thanks Again.


Yep, moonlights are for nighttime. They are not absolutely necessary but I've read that fish actually prefer a little light opposed to complete darkness. They look pretty cool too.
My fish all seem to be more healthy and active since I added my moonlights though I don't know if this has anything to do with it. I also just set my main lights up on a timer so I think this helped as well.