enough light


I have been trying to get the max amount of color out of my sps....so i am keeping my nutrients low (phosphate) and my light high.......
I have 2 175 watt metal halide 12,000k...which i don't see that great of color from..
so i am going to move one of the 175 watt at one end of the tank and the other at the other end...
My live rock is set up so it is like a valley in the middle with no rock in the back jusst on the two sides
the 175watt will give extra light two both the sides...
then i am going to get a 250 watt double ended to mount in the middle that is 10,000k and that will light the whole tank
Is this enough light to bring out the maximum color???????
I am going too get the 250w in about a month and a half....once i save up my money from Domino's Pizza :D


20k xm will color thoes up nicly, i used em for a yr, i loved em, had to switch back to 10k's when the 3rd set blew... i will be going back to 20k's


hey spsaddict you going to college for marine bio......i think i am going to school in snta cruz, california in about a year for a marine biology phd....jsut wondering if you have any good schoool recomendations for studing that subject


university of washington :), university of jacksonville fla, corpus cristi is also a good school


i have seen the 20k on 175w they look really blue but the 400w 20k look like the color of my 12k...i am not sure if i want a bulb that blue..maybe i will jsut wait and let the corals grow for a few more months then decide