Enough Light


I wanted to get a 150watt metal halide fixture, with and 18 watt T5 actinic light in a 37 gal. My question is can I get any type of coral with these lights?


From the top of the sand bed is about 19 inches, 22 overall. I wanted to keep an anemone and some acros, stuff like that.


Active Member
yes, if you keep your most light-needy corals directly under the halide, and partially up the rockwork for some acros.
a 37 gallon is 30" across if i'm not mistaken. i have a single 250 watt halide over a 40 breeder, which is 36", and it works fine. i just keep the acros towards the middle and the softies/lps towards the outer edges.
and- pick a high quality bulb, ballast, and reflector.


Active Member
I have a 36" 2x150w Sunpod over my 65g which is 24" deep. its a great fixture. I recently switched from 10k Aqualine AB bulbs to 14k Phoenix. Slightly less growth but better color.
But like Mr X said, I can keep everything, just keep all the SPS in the top half of my tank. LPS is all in the bottom half.


Thanks everyone for the responses I appreciate it, GatorWPB I was wondering if you have an actinic light for the dawn and dusk effect? I was gonna get a T5 since the Sunpod doesn't come with one built in.