Epaulette Shark F/S


New Member
Well, I have decided to let go of my prized shark. It is a female and about 22" long. She has eaten anything and everything I have given her. I am looking to get $250.00 for her. I am not really in a rush to sell but I either have to get rid of her or my Passer Angel (for sale in another thread) since they will not live together in my large tank. I want her to go to a good home so no tanks smaller than 220 gallons although she will really need about 480 gallons when full grown.
Located in N/W Illinois


Active Member
Email me at charger21_sd@yahoo.com
There are not a lot of people on this site that have big enough tanks but I know of another site dedicated to sharks and rays and that site has many members with ponds or tanks big enough. Also I'd PM AC and see if he's interested.


New Member
MIKE22cha, Thanks for the reply. I actually belong to the site you are referencing and it just seems that no one there is ready for a shark either. The biggest issue with her is shipping, since she would need a large box packed with oxygen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by IbanezIC300
MIKE22cha, Thanks for the reply. I actually belong to the site you are referencing and it just seems that no one there is ready for a shark either. The biggest issue with her is shipping, since she would need a large box packed with oxygen.
What's your screen name there? Good luck finding someone to buy it.

And redman, no offense, not trying to flame, but you got a nurse and a whitespotted bamboo, both will outgrow the tank, so would the eppie


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
What's your screen name there? Good luck finding someone to buy it.

And redman, no offense, not trying to flame, but you got a nurse and a whitespotted bamboo, both will outgrow the tank, so would the eppie
So what it not your call I just wanted to know the site, if you don't want to give it to me thats fine I will find it some other way. By the way don't worry about my sharks. I am taking good care of them


New Member
Mike22cha, my screen name there is the same as it is here IbanezIC300. I'm still trying to sell her but I may just start planning a pond now that she can move in to and then just keep her.


Active Member
Heck, if I had a shark and some money to build a pond, I would! I'd be lucky to get a tank big enough for a marbled catshark or coral catshark right now.


New Member
GNorman, thanks for the compliment. She is beautiful and it's not really that I have to get rid of her but she is becoming more and more work as she gets bigger.


New Member
Bump TTT, She is still for sale, someone make me a reasonable offer. If you buy her now you will get 4 pounds of scallops and shrimp. Doesn't anybody want an awesome shark?


New Member
I just lost my 2.5' Cat, so looking for a shark. I live close to you, but I'm just in a bad spell financially. I dont mean to insult you at all, but if you would let him go for a $100 I could take him. If not I completely understand your shark is worth FAR more than my offer. Thanks.