Epaulette sharks


Has anyone out there ever bred or kept epaulette sharks? If so and info would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance


I have a epaullette shark. I've had her over 2 years and she's about 21 inches long. I've heard that they breed quit readily in captivity. What kind of info were you interested in?


Favorite foods, tank mates, bad choices for tank mates, and just anything you think would be of value would be greatly appreciated. And what size tank is it in and filtration?
Thanks in advance for any help


I paid $150.00 for her, I think it was a sale. Typical prices I've seen are $200 to $275 range. She is in a custom made tank that measures 84"X30"X18" this gives a lot of surface area to move, you don't need much depth. She shares her tank with 3 yellow sting Rays, they all get along very well. One thing the shark seems to need for comfort is some where to hide. I have a rock cave that she spends most of her time in, but she knows when its feeding time and she'll venture out in the evenings. I feed the shark and the sting rays mostly silversides. I try to give them a variety with krill, squid, and frozen shark formula. The main things you need to beware of in choosing tank mates is one that the shark can't eat them and two that they don't pick on the shark. I've heard some angels will pick at the eyes of the shark. I use a live deep sand bed with a berlin skimmer(I would like to replace the skimmer I wouldn't recommend them). With 4 large fish they make quite a waste load so obviously frequent water changes are important. I hope this helped, if I can be of any more assistance let me know. Good luck!


That certainly is an impressive display with the shark and rays! Do you have any pictures of the rock ledge it hides under? Also what brand/type of sand do you use in your tank?
Thanks again
I too would be intrested to see a full tank shot, and a shot of the rock ledge! And a few more of the rays. Good looking fish!


Sorry for the quality of pictures it was a borrowed digital camera that I haven't quite got the knack for. The sand I used was about 200 pounds of aragamax(sp?) and 100 pounds of Fiji live sand. I don't have any good pictures of the rock ledge but you can see part of it in some of the pictures.
PS excuse my dirty glass, I wasn't anticipating anyone else being interested in seeing these pictures.