Equipment for 125 Gallon?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
Well like I said I am cheap and I bought my skimmer used. So since you have some time before you need a skimmer you might want to look around for a used one. Just trying to help.
That's true. When do I actually need to put the skimmer in? It's that easy to put it in after the tank has been running? The other thing is I need to make sure we build the stand tall enough (as I remember this happening to someone else, I'm not saying a word extremepcs, lol
), so I should have an idea of what I'm planning on getting.


Active Member
Well remember that anything that you put under your tank, you want to be able to take out. In case it needs replaced. If I remember right aren't you trying to get your guy to build the stand for you? So make sure that the staind is either tall enough so that you have room under there, or maybe one side panel is on hinges so that you can get to the stuff under the tank. You know especially if you are going to make the stand you can make sure that it is the right size to use an old aquarium under there and not have to spend the $300 for a sump.
Anyway onto your question of when you need a skimmer. If you figure 4 weeks for your cycle and then you add livestock you don't need a skimmer for another 4 weeks after that. So you don't need a skimmer for 8 weeks, plenty of time to look for a used one. Especially on the classified on this site. That is where I got my 125 tank and now my skimmer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
Well remember that anything that you put under your tank, you want to be able to take out. In case it needs replaced. If I remember right aren't you trying to get your guy to build the stand for you? So make sure that the staind is either tall enough so that you have room under there, or maybe one side panel is on hinges so that you can get to the stuff under the tank. You know especially if you are going to make the stand you can make sure that it is the right size to use an old aquarium under there and not have to spend the $300 for a sump.
Anyway onto your question of when you need a skimmer. If you figure 4 weeks for your cycle and then you add livestock you don't need a skimmer for another 4 weeks after that. So you don't need a skimmer for 8 weeks, plenty of time to look for a used one. Especially on the classified on this site. That is where I got my 125 tank and now my skimmer.
Well I talked to my hubby about making the sump and he really doesn't want to mess with it, as he's afraid he might get something wrong and I know I won't be able to do it. He figures we are saving a lot by making the stand so it's ok to spend the money on the sump. I'm ordering it tomorrow so it's here when he's making the stand and then I will check to see what the tallest Skimmer is (for my tank size) that way no matter what I get it will be ok. I think those are the only two items I have to be concerned about while making the stand. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.) Thanks again for all your suggestions.