equipment for sale!!!!!!!!!!!


30" coralife 2x65 with moonlights
red sea prism deluxe skimmer
coralife 9 watt uv sterilizer brand new. 5/8 tubing and pump rio 600 or 800
fluval 204
2 maxi jet 900
2 maxi jet 400
natural wavemaker powerstrip
coralife powerstrip
250 watt heater
29 gallon tank and stand
topfin 40 hang on filter
2 sets of legs for the 30" coralife regular legs & flip up legs
Will ship everything except tank/stand due to the weight and it being glass. I accept paypal. Everything is almost 2 months old.


$75 for uv,pump,tubing,and flow nozzle. Everything is new so this is a great deal. I am in New Jersey 08057. No I am not giving up just have two tanks already going a 55 & 90gal reef.


$90 for light & legs. $65 for skimmer with surface skimmer & media basket. The surface skimmer & media basket have never been used.


Active Member
Originally Posted by grzy
How much for the lights?

hey grzy i got some light you may be intersted they are 260 watts coralife with four moon light are you interested they are only about 4 months old


How much for the fluval204 shipped to 23181 and how much for the maxi400's? Tell me what you want for the can separate plz might want all of it, but probally can't afford all of it or I would of got the whole set up from ya when you first listed it! Thx