Equipment Overload!!!!


What equipment do I need for a 37 gallon tank. The tank has been setup for about 3 months now and seems to be doing great. All I have for filtration is the hang on tank magnum canister filter with the bio-wheel. I have a yellow tang, a blue damsel and a clarkii clown. I am wanting to add some corals and inverts. Is this enough filtration or do I need more?


I have a coralife power compact fixture with 2 blues and 2 10000k bulbs. Plus I have the standard fluorescent fixture with a blue in it. I think its like 135 watts total.
why are the tang police coming?


Active Member

Originally posted by cslawso
why are the tang police coming?

The minimum required tank size for a Yellow Tang is 75 Gallons which also applies to the Purple and the Kole, any other tang needs at least 100 gallons.