Equipment Question

dude crush

I'm going to get a 29 gallon tank. What kind of equipment would be best? I'm planning on LR and LS. I'm talking about lighting, filteration, skimmers, etc. Thanks in advance!


Active Member
If you read around here long enough you will find out exactly what you need . . . but for starters, buy a good reefkeeping book such as natural reefs by tullock.


Active Member
seriously, the best piece of equipment that I bought was that book, I learned so much from just reading it that I saved myself a lot of mistakes, a lot of time, a lot of money, and a lot of frustrations. Its the best starting point IMO . . . . welcome to the board! This is also an invaluable place for info . . . .

dude crush

I have another question about the sand. How much would be suitable for a 29 gal?
Thanks for the info on the book, I'll deffinetly check it out:D

dude crush

No, I wasnt planning on one of those filters. Just a regular one that hangs on the back. I was told that with the live rock that will help serve as a filter as well.