Equipment Recommendations for 10G F.O. tank?


We currently have a 10g glass aquarium that's brackish right now. We plan on trying to turn it into a saltwater set up, whenever we decide to kill the remaining ghost shrimp.

The LFS told us we could keep using the filter system we had, but I want to be sure of this! The aquarium has an AQUATECH brand filter (from walmart). The light hood is a cheapie, bought from walmart. I was thinking of replacing the filter system with this:
Would this be a better system to use for SW, since it has a built-in skimmer??
Also, would the current light hood be okay, as long as we got some UV lights for it?? I think it currently has regular bulbs in it. I wasn't sure if SW fish required different lighting...Our 72G set up was bought used as well, so I haven't needed to worry about what the light type is, since they haven't gone out yet. :p
And last, what else would we need for the tank? ...a heater...and...? We have plenty of rock from the big tank to transfer over to this one.
We're only going to put in 1 or 2 "baby" fish in this tank, when it is ready. I already know that the hubby is wanting to get this 1" adorable cowfish from the LFS.
We plan on getting another big aquarium next year, so we will be moving the fish when they've outgrow the tank.


Most of the cheap hood lights aren't for saltwater. Check the back of your light to see if there's a warning against using it with saltwater. I Used one for awhile but indeed the screws started to rust so I din't feel like chancing it. I have a 10 gal nano reef with a cheapo filter, nitrates haven't ever been a problem. I have 20 lbs of sand and 15lbs of rock with two nano powerheads. This is my main bio filter. I have a purple firefish, tailspot blenny, green clown goby, yellow cleaner goby, cleaner shrimp, boxer crab, and a peppermint shrimp.


ah ha! Thanks for letting me know that. I tried checking the light hood just now and all I see is warnings about light wattage. I'll check it again more thoroughly later. I do see some screws though, so I probably won't chance it either!

Thanks for the info on what's in your tank, that helps me out a lot. :) I wouldn't mind having some peppermint shrimp!

So a skimmer isn't really necessary then? The LFS told me that smaller tanks need more water changes anyway, so I guess we'll be keeping up with that...


Okay, so here's the candidates for the 10g I'm setting up:
Wheeler's Watchman Goby
Green Clown Goby
Yellowhead Jawfish
Hi Fin Red Banded Goby
And I don't mean all of them in one tank! Unless I am informed that all 4 would be cool. :) I am trying to decide on which one and if I can pick another as a tank it possible? Will any of these candidates be alright for a tank that'll be F.O.? I ordered live sand along with the equipment I ordered...would some live rock be a good idea? How much does live rock run for?
If there's any inverts that may be ideal, please let me know! I appreciate the help very much! :)


Also, can someone give me an estimate on how long it'll take for a 10g to cycle, if we're using the water from our 72g? LFS told us it'd only take a few days...